Friday, August 28, 2015

Cryptogram: Earth Child for the Cypher System


Motive: Protect the world
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 4
Movement: Short
Modifications: Smash 7, Might defense 7, Numenera 7, Tracking 7
Combat: Earth children see themselves as the protectors of the World.

Strength from the Earth: As an action, they may raise their Smash to 8 for 10 minutes.
Summon Animals: They may atract 1d6 animals of 1d6 Level that are loyal to the earth child.
Psychic: They have 2 random cyphers.
Use: An earth child and its animal followers are attacking caravan on the road the characters are traveling on.  Are the earth child's claim of hauling pollutants true?
Loot: A dead earth child has 1 cypher.

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