Monday, February 29, 2016

Back This: Worlds of the Cypher System Kickstarter is LIVE

I'm a HUGE fan of the Cypher System and Monte Cook Games.  The people at MCG are outstanding and they happen to make my favorite games.  Seriously, I buy everything they make, sight unseen.

Their games are awesome, and they are awesome people.

And today marks the launch of the Worlds of the Cypher System Kickstarter.

As of now, there are three setting books:

Gods of the Fall. Your world is nasty and brutish.  Life is hard and painful and short. But if you can achieve your Labors and fulfill the Prophecies, you can become the God of the Hunt or Fire or Winter and you can save your world from darkness. Written by Bruce R. Cordell.  

Predation. Your people travelled back to the Cretaceous period and are stuck there.  You have advanced science and can bioengineer the dinosaurs around you, but you know that an extinction level event is headed for you. Written by Shanna Germain

Unmasked. You've been lost your youth, but you found your Mask. It gives you powers beyond mortals, powers that you shouldn't have.  Powers that frighten your family and the authorities.
But the longer you use the Mask the more you see Magonia, which was lost to you and the more you see a terrible fate that awaits this world. Written by Dennis Detwiller.


I have.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Nekrotus, Undead Lord of Death and Doom for the Otus Pantheon

Over the weekend Chris Kutalik did a post on the Otus Pantheon.  And recently Trey Causey expanded things for the Otus Pantheon.  I decided to do a series of posts setting up each deity's Specialty Priests, the deity's name is in yellow and the feat's name is bolded.  

Rot Minister
Prerequisite: Cleric with the Death Divine Domain
The Undead Lore awaits the dead and punishes the living who don't make offerings to him.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:

• When you Channel Divinity for touch of death, you gain a +2 to AC until the beginning of your next turn.

• You have resistance to necrotic damage.

• Your gain proficiency with heavy armor.

• You learn the shillelagh cantrip.  You may cast it on maces.

• You learn the animate dead spell.  You may cast it with a 2nd level spell slot or higher.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Character Crucible: The Celestial Otherworldly Patron is Now LIVE on the DMsguild.Com

Do you want more Otherworldly Patrons for the Warlock class?

Inside you will find full details on the Celestial, an angelic Otherworldly Patron, who wishes to give you the power to achieve it’s enigmatic and primeval goals.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Get Ready to Back This: Worlds of the Cypher System Kickstarter Launching 2/29/16

While I backed the Numenera & The Strange Kickstarters, it was this past summer, as the Cypher System Rulebook (the game system that powers all three games) released that I fell for all the system pretty hard.

On top of that, I've had great experiences in all of my dealing with everyone I've worked with at Monte Cook Games (they are the only reason I want go to Gen Con this year).

On February 29th they will be launching their Worlds of the Cypher System Kickstarter that will present three worlds for purchase as individual books:

Gods of the Fall: Awaken your divine spark, claim a dominion, and become a god in a fantasy world in which the heavens smashed upon the Earth like a vengeful star.
Predation: First figure out how to survive the dark and dangerous world of the Cretaceous Period using the technology of the future—high-tech weapons, advanced science, and bioengineered dinosaurs—and then worry about the asteroid that history says wipes out all life on earth.
Masks: They say you’re insane. Dangerous. That you suffer from Dissociative Mask Disorder. Your parents and the doctors and the press and the military. They can’t believe what’s happening. They can’t believe what you can do.
If your a Cypher fan, mark your calendar. If your a Monte Cook fan, think about trying an intriguing system that hums at the table and is, in my opinion, the easies RPG I've ever GM'd. If you just like cool games, simply Back it.

The Old World: Skaven Clanrat for 13th Age

Clanrats forms the vast overall bulk of Skaven military power, a large verminous horde of ratmen that go to war as basic and highly-expendable front-line infantry. These Skaven belong to any one of thousands of Clans scattered throughout the underground burrows, strongholds and bursting cavern-cities that make up the whole of the Under-Empire. Of all the teeming masses, only the worker dregs, the worthless and even more insignificant Slave Rats, are care considered even more numerous then the Clanrats themselves.

Clanrats are slightly smaller than man-sized, standing four to five feet high. They range between lithe and scrawny and are possessed of a constant energy, most commonly seen in a nervous twitching of their hairless, worm-like tails. A single Clanrat is not a fearsome opponent. A lone warrior will lack any degree of discipline or determination and is likely to skulk in the shadows, afraid to go forward, too catious to go backwards and terrified to even stand it's own ground for more then a moment without fleeing. Unless driven by black hunger, a single Clanrat will only attack something that is visibly weakened or crippled, preferring even then to attack unseen from behind. When banded together in a large pack, however, each individual Skaven would bolster each other's confidence and fuel their feral ferocity to a highly aggressive level. This allows the individually cowardly ratmen to form massive units that will recklessly hurl themselves into a fray against obviously superior troops.


2nd level [HUMANOID] 
Initiative: +6

Flashing Blade +7  vs. AC -7 damage
        Natural roll of 16+: 5 additional poison damage

Fangs +7 vs. PD - 7 damage
        Miss: 3 damage

Nastier Specials
Clan Moulder: Experiments by the clan improve the clanrat's AC and PD by 1.

Clan Skyre: Magical technology provide by the clan allows the clanrat to use the escalation die.

Clan Pestilen: Pestilence provided by the clan allows the clanrat to  inflict the escalation die in poison damage on a hit.

AC 18

PD  16               HP 36

MD 16

A New Logo

Let me know what you think of it?  Any feedback is appreciated!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

An Update to My Patreon

For several months now, I've been running a Patreon for this blog.  However, since I'm about to release my ninth PDF product later this week, which has already gone out to my Patrons, I thought it would maks sense to tie my Patreon into my publishing efforts.

If you would be kind enough to consider joining my other generous and enthusiastic Patrons, you would receive early access to a minimum of one PDF product each month at no additional cost.

Additionally, I'm going to be asking my Patrons for input on future releases.

At this point, the money will go to help in developing a logo and purchasing art, as I hope to continually raise the bar on each release.

I want to add that just reading Cross Planes has inspired me to grow this endeavor over the years and I can't thank each of you enough for simply giving it a read.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Gryphax, Feather Serpent Steed of Radion

Over the weekend Chris Kutalik did a post on the Otus Pantheon.  And recently Trey Causey expanded things for the Otus Pantheon.  I decided to do a series of posts setting up each deity's Specialty Priests, the deity's name is in yellow and the feat's name is bolded.  

Prerequisite: Cleric with the Tempest Divine Domain
The Feathered Serpent is devoted to justice and will always aid a Paragon of the Peerless Paladin.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:

• When you rebuke attackers with your Wrath of the Storm ability, the creature takes 2d10 damage.

• When a Paragon of Radion is within 10 feet of you, they gain a +2 bonus to their melee damage rolls.

• You have resistance to poison and thunder damage.

• Your speed increases by 10 feet.

• You learn the shocking grasp cantrip.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Radion, Peerless Paladin of Good for the Otus Pantheon

Over the weekend Chris Kutalik did a post on the Otus Pantheon.  And recently Trey Causey expanded things for the Otus Pantheon.  I decided to do a series of posts setting up each deity's Specialty Priests, the deity's name is in yellow and the feat's name is bolded.  

Prerequisite: Cleric with the Light or War Divine Domain
The Peerless Paladin teaches you to serve the innocent, defend the weak, and to topple tyranny where you find it.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:

• When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

• As an action, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover until the end of your next turn, . You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell.

• When a Charger of Gryphax is within 10 feet of you, they gain a +1 bonus to their AC.

• You gain proficiency with vehicles (land).

• You learn the branding smite, steed, and zone of truth spells and they are domain spells for you.

Deities and Domains 2: Specialty Priests of the Faerünian Pantheon is Now LIVE on the

Deities and Domains 2 provides feats for 11 deities found in the Sword Coast’s Adventurers Guide and completes the Faerünian Pantheon for the Forgotten Realms setting.

Here is an example deity and their Specialty Priest feat:

Prerequisite: Cleric with the War Divine Domain
You are pledged to the goddess of strategy. Your vestments are a white tabard over a blood hued suit of armor.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on saving throws agains illusions.
  • When you take the attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your attacks and use a bonus action to roll a d6 and choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack, adding the die roll to the attack’s damage roll. Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or long rest
  • When you hit a creature with
    a weapon attack, roll a d6 and add the die roll to the attack’s damage roll.  Additionally, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can use its reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target of your attack. Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or long rest.

Friday, February 19, 2016

ParaMilitary: Enenra for Savage Worlds and Weird War 2

Pacific Theatre 1946
Project: Crystal Ball has received reports of Japanese soldiers starting fires near camp which seem to unleash some form of "smoke monster" on the unsuspecting Allied forces.

"The smoke.  The smoke got Jonesy, Quinn, and Talbot."
-A verbal report from Private First Class Russell Hammer

Wild Card

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8

Skills: Fighting d12, Notice d8, Stealth d10

Pace: 12; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6

Special Abilities 
• Unarmed Attack 2d6
• Etheral
• Fear -2

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cypher System: Talking Dog Descriptor

Your man's best friend and you read, write, talk, and reason. Most humans, if they notice you, generally think your cute or worry about your safety. This makes it easy for you to get into places and snoop around.  You do get distracted by food, sometimes and your always weary of what the Cats are up to. You’re good natured as a rule, but your loyal to a fault and will protect your Family or friends to the bitter end.

You gain the following characteristics:

Quick: +2 to your Speed Pool.

Skill: You are trained in all tasks smelling and tracking.

Skill: You are trained in all tasks related to running, jumping and fetching.

Skill: You are practiced in biting and your bite is a medium piercing weapon.

Skill: You are specialized in Speed defense tasks.

Inability: You’re agile but don't have thumbs. The difficulty of all dexterity tasks is one step higher for you.

Additional Equipment: You begin play with a collar and a handkerchief, if you wish.

Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: If this is your starting descriptor, choose how you became involved in the first adventure from the following list of options.

1. You were hired to help sneak into someplace dangerous and gain information the PCs wanted.

2. One of your friends (a PC) was going on the adventure, and you didn’t want to be left behind.

3. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time and got swept up against your better judgment.

4. The safety of your Family depended on you helping the PCs deal with a threat.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Old World: Slann Mage Priest of the Lizard Men for 13th Age

Slann are large, corpulent toad-like beings. A Slann's bloated body can take a fair beating, and their magical energies lend them some protection, however overall they are physically frail. When in battle, Slann do not walk or ride beasts but are instead born aloft on floating palanquins imbued with magical power. This is partly to avoid setting foot on the ground which has been tainted ever since the first Coming of Chaos. Slann are essentially immortal and have never been known to die from old age. However none have been spawned since the fall of the Old Ones. As a result the Slann are a dying race, unable to replenish their numbers. Each time a Slann dies it is a great loss for the Lizardmen. Due to their great age, even the youngest Slann are many thousands of years old and can remember a time long before the rise of Elves or Humans. They regard the world with a cold, alien intelligence. The Slann are, on average, the most powerful wizards in the Warhammer world, capable of killing a foe with a wave of their hand or destroying a city with but a nod of their heads. Even the lowliest Slann is more than a match for the greatest wizards of other races. Only the most powerful of Elf mages can compare.


10th level [REPTILE] 
Initiative: +3

Cold, Alien Intelligence: The Slann Mage Priest uses the
escalation die.

Mage +15 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies) - 50 force damage
        Escalation Die of 2-3: 20 additional damage.
        Escalation Die of 4-5: Target is weakened.
        Escalation Die of 6: 40 additional damage.

Priest +15 vs. MD - 60 holy damage
        Natural Odd Roll: 10 additional psychic damage
       Natural Even Roll: Target is stunned.

Nastier Specials
Immortal Ruler: When the escalation die is at 1, the Slann summons 1d6 skinks.  When the escalation die is at 2, the Slann summons 1d3 kroxigors.

AC 26

PD  20               HP 230

MD 24

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Swag Bag

Growing up, I was a HUGE fan of Evel Knievel and Danny too.

Last month, my amazing wife showed me the messenger bag below and I ordered it immediately!

It came in today, and her I am with it.

Here's to you Evel!

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Iluma, War-Maiden of Light and Healing for the Otus Pantheon

Over the weekend Chris Kutalik did a post on the Otus Pantheon.  And recently Trey Causey expanded things for the Otus Pantheon.  I decided to do a series of posts setting up each deity's Specialty Priests, the deity's name is in yellow and the feat's name is bolded.  

Prerequisite: Cleric with the Life or Light Divine Domain
The War-Maiden teaches you to protect the innocent and heal the infirm.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:
  • When you cast a spell (not a cantrip) that deals radiant damage, one ally within 10 feet regains hit points equal to your cleric level + 3
  • You gain proficiency with martial weapons.
  • You gain the Channel Divinity: Turn the Unholy option from the Paladin's Oath of Devotion.

Fantasy Age: Beast Men Race for Eternia


You originate from the Vine Jungle and your civilization both rules and protects its homeland. Your kin have developed are adept at handling animals and they are an essential part of your kingdom.

Beast Men Names

Grax, Krigor, Romm, Ungor

Playing an Avion
If you choose to play a beast man, modify your character as follows: 

• Add 1 to your Strength ability. 

• Pick one of the following ability focuses: Communication (Animal  Handling) or Perception (Smelling). 

• You have Dark Sight, which allows you see up to 20 yards in darkness without a light source. 

• Your Speed is equal to 12 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable).

• You can speak and read the Beast Man and Common Tongue.

• Roll twice on the Beast Man Benefits table. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. 

Avion Benefits

2d6 Roll                    Benefit
  2               +1 Perception

3-4             Focus: Strength (Might) 

  5              Focus: Intelligence (Natural Lore) 

  6              Weapon Group: Spears 

7-8             +1 Constitution 

  9               Focus: Communication (Leadership)

10-11          Focus: Fighting (Light Blades)

 12             +1 Fighting 

Beast Man Stunt
Charm Animals (2 Stunt Points): You communicate with one animal  of your choice within 10 yards of you. You must make an opposed test of your Communication (Animal Handling) vs. the target’s Willpower (Self-Discipline). If you win, the target suffers a –2 penalty on attack rolls on their next turn.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

X-Files: Guy Mann

The X-Files has returned and I thoroughly enjoyed Season 10, Episode 3 Mulder and Scully vs the Were-Monster.

GUY MANN 3 (9)

Motive: Have the curse of humanity lifted
Environment: Near a forest
Health: 9
Damage Inflicted: 1
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Complaining About His Job 4, Hiding 4, Speed defense 4
Combat: Guy is concerned most about fleeing from his enemy or hiding, but will shoot blood from his eyes if cornered. Shoot Blood From His Eyes: When a character rolls a 1 while defending against Guy within Immediate range, he shoots blood in their eyes.  The character has the Difficulty of all of their actions increased by 1 for one turn.
Use: Guy is humanoid lizard trapped in a world he didn't make and simply wants to hibernate for another 10,000 years and stop turning into a human.
Loot: --

Friday, February 12, 2016

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Glimmerwing, Rainbow-Feathered Heavenly Herald for the Otus Pantheon

Over the weekend Chris Kutalik did a post on the Otus Pantheon.  And today Trey Causey expanded things for the Otus Pantheon.  I decided to do a series of posts setting up each deity's Specialty Priests, the deity's name is in yellow and the feat's name is bolded.  

Prerequisite: Cleric with the Knowledge or Light Divine Domain
The Heavenly Herald guides you to bring the Light of Truth, in all of its forms, to those you serve.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:
  • You may take the dash action as a bonus action.
  • You learn the dancing lights and fire bolt cantrips.  When you cast the dancing lights cantrip it doesn't require your concentration.
  • You learn the chromatic orb spell and it is a domain spell for you. When you cast this spell you may also choose force, psychic, or radiant as the type of orb you create.
  • You learn the color spray spell and it is a domain spell for you. When you cast this spell it effects an additional 2d10 hit points.
  • You can cast the hypnotic pattern spell once per day as a 3rd level spell. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Clerical Work: Specialy Priests of Valarkon, Winged Lord Law & Justice for the Otus Pantheon

Over the weekend Chris Kutalik did a post on the Otus Pantheon.  And today Trey Causey expanded things for the Otus Pantheon.  I decided to do a series of posts setting up each deity's Specialty Priests, the deity's name is in yellow and the feat's name is bolded.  

I found both posts incredibly inspirational and just wanted to join the band, if they'll have me.

Prerequisite: Cleric with the Life or War Divine Domain
The Winged Lord teaches you to tolerate no evil, enforce his law, and bring justice to all.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:
  • Difficult terrain doesn't slow you down.
  • You gain proficiency in mauls. When you roll a 1 on a damage die for an attack you make with a maul that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1. 
  • You learn the searing smite spell and it is a domain spell for you.
  • You can cast the fly spell once per day as a 3rd level spell. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

ParaMilitary: Bake-Kujira for Weird War 2 and Savage Worlds

Pacific Ocean 1946
Project: Crystal Ball has begun investigating the disappearance of a navy vessel near Hawaii.  According to reports taken from the three survivors, a ghostly or skeletal whale sunk their ship.

"It was something out of my nightmares..."

-A verbal report from Ensign Lief Strucker

Wild Card

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12+9, Vigor d12

Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6, Swimming d10, Tracking d6

Pace: --; Parry: 17; Toughness: 19 (11)

Claws 1d12+1d6

Special Abilities 
• Unarmed Attack 3d12
• Aquatic 10 pace
• Fear -3
Size +9
Strength +9

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Psionics Unearthed: Tesseract for D&D 5th Edition is now LIVE on the Dungeon Master's Guild

My third entry in the Psionics Unearthed series, the teleporting Tesseract just launched on the

Here's an excerpt:

A human crouches low behind moss-covered boulders.  The sun is low in the afternoon sky and shadows stretch long across the windswept trail that leads into the nearby hills.
   She spies her quarry, a cadre of six hobgoblins, all members of the Boneripper Legion. Four of them are riding on horseback coming toward her.  The last two are driving an empty cart, drawn by two mares.  The fact that she’s too late to free their slaves make her gorge rise, but she focuses on her mission, on justice, on vengeance.  
   Pop! She teleports to the closest rider and the hobgoblins head leaves it’s shoulders before the creature could even blink.
   Pop! She’s slit the throat of the second rider and only now are it’s comrades even becoming aware of the threat to them. 
   Pop! She’s pierced the heart of the third one, just as the fourth hobgoblin begins to draw it’s weapon. 
   Pop! She drops to her knees, staying low behind her enemy, in the empty cart they pull, her prey frantically casting about, looking for their enemy, fear plain in their inhuman eyes.
   Her bloody task now done, she wipes the blood from her longsword on the last corpse and takes one of their horses. There are slaves to free or at the vey least slavers to take vengeance upon.

The Old World: Skinks of the Lizard Men for 13th Age

Shorter and leaner than Saurus, Skinks are less physcially strong than their cousins, but make up for it with their higher amount of initiative and ability to understand abstract concepts, and perform complex tasks. Though completely loyal to the Slann, the Skinks often act independantly of them, directing the other Lizardmen to ensure to smooth everday running of life in the temple-city, deferring to the Saurus only in times of war.

Skink's buggish eyes, rows of razor sharp teeth, and large, fleshy extendable crest on the top of it's head make it an unnerving foe to face. However the primary purpose of the crest is to enhance communication, and subtle movements and hue changes allow the Skinks to easily communicate silently before attacking an unaware enemy, or issue complex instructions to another.

Naturally aquatic creatures, Skinks make up for their lack of resilience by being equally at home in the water or on land. Able to stay underwater for large periods of time, and being excellent swimmers has led to an affinity with the Kroxigors, who despite their large size are similarly at home in the swamps and rivers of Lustria


1st level [REPTILE] 
Initiative: +5

Blowgun +6 vs. PD - 5 damage
        Natural 16+: The target is weakened.

Ambush +6 vs. AC  - 5 damage
        Natural Even Roll: 5 additional damage.

Nastier Specials
Leader: When the escalation die is 2, the skink summons 1d6+1 additional skinks.

Little Sibling: When the escalation die is 4, the skink summons 1d3 kroxigors.

AC 17

PD  11               HP 27

MD 15

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fantasy AGE: Avion Race for Eternia


You come from a civilization of winged simians who live high on the peaks of the Mystic Mountains.  You are lead by Stratos, a brave honorable warrior allied with King Randor. You have the ability to fly thanks to an enchantment from  the magical Emerald Staff.

Avion Names

Aero, Cumulus, Storm, Vortex

Playing an Avion
If you choose to play an avion, modify your character as follows: 

• Add 1 to your Constitution ability. 

• You have may Fly with a speed equal to 10 (minus armor penalty, if applicable).,

• Your Speed is equal to 10 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable).

• You can speak and read the Avion and Common Tongue.

• Roll twice on the Avion Benefits table. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll until you get something different. 

Avion Benefits

2d6 Roll                    Benefit
  2               +1 Perception

3-4             Focus: Willpower (Courage) 

  5              Focus: Intelligence (Historical Lore) 

  6              Weapon Group: Bows 

7-8             +1 Accuracy 

  9               Focus: Communication (Leadership)

10-11          Focus: Constitution (Flying)

 12             +1 Dexterity 

Avion Stunt
Flyby (3 Stunt Points): You gain a +1 to Defense until the beginning of your next turn and you inflict an additional 1d6 damage on your attack. 

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Bahamut for D&D 5th Edition

I'm starting development of Deities and Domains 2 and here's a preview, all of my previous feats are firmly rooted in ADnD 2E, but this one comes straight out of DnD 4E:

Prerequisite: Cleric with the Life or War Divine Domain; Paladin with the Oath of Devotion
You have been called to serve the dragon god of good's banner. The Platinum Dragon demands intolerance for evil’s repugnance and tugs at your conscious so that the guilty do not go unpunished. Your vestments are metallic armor and a hooded cloak of light blue.

Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:
  • All allies within 5 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  • When you are hit with an attack or a spell, as a reaction, you may roll a d6.  You and each ally within 10 feet gain a bonus equal to the number rolled to AC and saving throws until the end of your next turn. Once you use this ability, you can not use it again until your finish a short or long rest.
  • As a reaction, you may free one ally that can see and hear you from the incapacitated or stunned condition. Once you use this ability, you can not use it agin until you finish a long rest.
  • You learn the absorb elements spell and it is a domain spell for you.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Fantasy AGE: Fungus Amongus of Eternia

This post is exploring ideas for running Green Ronin's excellent Fantasy AGE in He-Man's Eternia or a similar genre, like Masters of Umdaar

I'm going to use a character of my own creation:


Background: Scholar

Abilities [Bold means its Primary], Skills are in parenthesis.
Accuracy 3
Communication (Persuasion) 0
Constitution 0
Dexterity 2
Fighting 0
Intelligence (Historical Lore) 3
Perception (Seeing) 0
Strength 0
Willpower 3

Speed 10
Defense 12
Armor 3 (Light Leather - Strain 1)
Health 24

Racial FeaturesDark Sight - sight of 20 yards in darkness w/o light source
Languages - Avion,  Common, Arachna, Read and speak.

   Novice - You learn an additional language from the following list:
   Avion, Vine Tongue, Rakashi, Trolla, Human, Arachna.
Weapons (Trained in Bows, Brawling, and Staves)
Quarterstaff: Attack 3d6+3; Damage 1d6+1
Arcane Blast: Attack 3d6+3; Damage 1d6+3; Range 16 Yards

Spells (Magic Points: 16; Spell Power: 13)
Fire Arcana, Novice, Casting Roll = 3d6+3+0

Arcane Lantern - Utility, Mp2 (per hour), Major Action, TN 8, Test None, You illuminate the area around you with a steady light similar to that of a lantern. The spell illuminates a 10 yard radius centered on you. Arcane lantern lasts for one hour, but can be extended for 2 MP per additional hour.

Flame Blast - Attack, MP 4, Major Action, TN 12, Test Dex (Acrobatics vs. Spellpower, Gouts of blazing fire erupt from your outstretched hands or arcane device, burning nearby targets. The flame blast is 8 yards long and 2 yards wide. Anyone hit by the blast takes 2d6+1 damage. Targets that make a successful Dexterity (Acrobatics) test vs. your Spellpower only take 1d6+1 damage.

Healing Arcana, Novice, Casting Roll = 3d6+3+0

Revival - Utility, MP 5, Major Action, TN 14, Test None, Your touch helps restore the grievously wounded or fallen. A dying character adjacent to you immediately regains 10 + their Constitution + your Willpower in Health. Since dying characters cannot take actions, you cannot cast this spell on yourself.

Healing Touch - Utility, MP 1-3, Major Action, TN 10, Test None, Your touch seals wounds and restores vigor to one wounded target. You can choose to spend up to 3 MPs when you cast the spell. For each MP spent, the target gets back 1d6 Health. You can cast this on yourself.

Personal Stunts
Toxic Spores (3 Stunt Points): You unleash noxious clouds around you.  Anyone caught in the a 3 yard radius around you, suffers a –2 penalty to Defense and a –5 penalty to Speed for one round. 

Healing Spores (5 Stunt Points): Your cloud of spores heal your comrades.  Every ally  in a 3 yard radius around you gets back 1d6 health. 

Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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