Monday, August 31, 2015

Out of the Abyss: House of Maure Cultist for D&D 5th Edition

Lunatics.  Devotees.  Zealots.  The fanatics who serve Demogorgon have drowned in his dark madness and seek to bring more victims to His bottomless depths.

Medium humanoid, chaotic evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 13 (2d8+4) 
Speed 30 ft.
   Str            Dex         Con           Int         Wis         Cha
15 (+2)        13 (+1)        14 (+2)        13 (+1)      14 (+2)      11 (+0)

Skills Arcan +3, Athletics +4, Intimidation +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Abyssal
Challenge 1/4 (450 XP)


Reckless. At the start of its turn, the berserker can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.

Zeal. The cultist has advantage on Wisdom saving throws.




Artificial Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes at Patreon.)

Cryptogram: Lizard Mage for the Cypher System


Motive: Delve deep into the ways of magic
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 2
Movement: Short
Modifications: Intellect defense 7, Numenera 8
Combat: Cold, calculating, and capable.

Mastery of Magic: They have 4 random cyphers.
Use: A lizard mage has learned of the characters exploits and is certain they have information she requires.
Loot: A dead lizard mage has 1d3 cyphers.

ParaMilitary: Reichsraptor for the Cypher System

A recursion where WWII is still being fought in 1946.  Where Little Boy never reached Hiroshima and the U.S.A. didn't dare drop Fat Man.  Where the Nazi project known Die Glocke was a phylactery for Hitler and his "death" in the Reich Chancellery merely an apotheosis. Where Shaver's derro have joined the Axis powers. Where the greatest generation has to first accept the paranormal is real, before they can even begin to fight it...

France 1946

Agents of Project: Crystal Ball have reported facing a new type of Nazi soldiers, known as uberfalkoniers, who are commanding highly trained dinosaurs on the field of battle.  Obviously, this was surprising to the agents because they firmly believed dinosaurs were extinct.  

Mystics working for Crystal Ball have discerned that the Reich's program is in it's infancy and hope to sabotage it quickly.  Additionally, there are ongoing concerns on how the Reich acquired these monstrosities.

They guard enemy strongholds, telepathically communicating with their handlers and learning each and every one of humankind's weaknesses...


Motive: Serve the Fuhrer
Environment: France
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4
Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: Perception 5, Problem Solving 5
Combat: When a reichsraptor bites its prey, the victim takes damage and must make a Might defense roll. On a failure, the reichsraptor holds the victim in place with its jaws while it slices him to ribbons with its terrible claws, automatically inflicting 6 points of damage each round in which he fails a Might-based task to break free (not attempting to break free counts as a failed attempt). For a human-sized or smaller victim held in the jaws, the difficulty of all other tasks is increased by two steps. 

Handler: A level 3 minion.
Use: A squads of 'raptors are used as guards at important Nazi sites.

Loot: A dead reichsraptor has a 50% of 1 cypher.

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Talona for D&D 5th Edition

I'm importing the idea of Specialty Priests and channeling a bit of DnD 4E by treating them as Feats.

Specialty Priests of Talona

Malagents Feat

Prerequisite: Cleric with the Death Divine Domain

• You are proficient with a  Poisoner's kit.

• You have poison resistance.

• You may make a Wisdom (Perception) skill check to identify a poison by smell.

• You are immune to non-magical diseases and have advantage when making saving throws against magical diseases.

Masters of the Universe Monday: Scare Glow for the Cypher System

Scare Glow was a shifty bounty hunter by the name of Karak Nulwho spent years attempting to break into Castle Grayskull.  He became obsessed with the countless legends that it contained the power to be the Master of the Universe and lost his life trying to break into it. 

In death, he was cursed and banished into the dimension of Infinita, forever chained to his past crimes. He was brought back to Eternia by a magical spell cast by Skeletor to locate the most evil warriors in the five dimensions. Provided with the Scythe of Doom, Nul agreed to join forces with Skeletor and quickly became known as Scare Glow, thanks to his ability to burst forth and freeze his enemies with dread.

He is a skeletal ghost warrior, who seems to have a solid but translucent body, and whose bones emit a strong glow which can intimidate even the bravest opponents.


Motive: Conquer Eternia
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: , Intimidate 6, Tracking 5

Combat: Scare glow a frightening and capable combatant.

Cursed Reliquary: He has 1 random cypher.
Deathly Glow: All creatures within immediate range have all of their edge reduced by 1.
Scythe of Doom: Inflicts 2 points of damage that ignores armor.
Use: Scare Glow is sent to find one of the characters by Skeletor.  Perhaps they knew each other before he was cursed?
Loot: A defeated Scare Glow yields 1 cypher.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cryptogram: Triax X-2000 Dyna-Max for the Cypher System

TRIAX X-2000 DYNA-MAX 8 (24)

Motive: The customer is always right, if their check clears
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 24
Damage Inflicted: 8
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Initiative action 9, Might defense 9, Perception 9, Smash 9, Speed defense 9
Combat: The dyna-max is agile, quick, and brimming with firepower.

Flamethrower: Inflict 4 damage to all enemies within immediate range.
Rail Gun: Inflicts 1d6+4 damage within short range.
Slammer Missles: Inflict 6 damage to an enemy within long range.
Vitro-Blade: Inflicts 4 damage that ignores armor.
Use: A local warlord has gotten her hands on a dyna-max and the town has hired the characters to deal with it.
Loot: A destroyed dyna-max has 1d4 cyphers.

Cyrptogram: Rahu-Men for the Cypher System

RAHU-MEN 6 (18)

Motive: Curiosity
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 2
Movement: Short
Modifications: Initiative action 7, Intellect defense 7, Might defense 7, Numenera 7, Smash 8
Combat: Rahu-men are smart and strong antagonists.

Four Arms: Inflict 4 damage to 2 enemies within short range.
Tech-Savvy: They have 1 random cyphers.
Use: A tribe of rahu-men have moved into the area where the characters are staying.  The rah-men have many questions and the wrong answer could cause a conflict.
Loot: A dead rahu-man has 1 cypher.

Warhammer 40k: Necron Pariah for the Cypher System


Motive: Serve the C'tan
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Initiative action 5, Intellect defense 5
Combat: Necron pariahs are horrific fusions of necron and humanity.

Wrongness: An creature within immediate range who rolls a 1 or 2 takes 1 point of damage that ignores armor.
Blank: Any creature who attempts to use psychic abilities within immediate range has a +1 penalty.
Use: 1d6+2 Necron pariahs have begun hunting nanos in the region.  Was this a Tomb World before the 9th World?
Loot: A dead necron pariah has 1 cypher.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Cryptogram: Earth Child for the Cypher System


Motive: Protect the world
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 4
Movement: Short
Modifications: Smash 7, Might defense 7, Numenera 7, Tracking 7
Combat: Earth children see themselves as the protectors of the World.

Strength from the Earth: As an action, they may raise their Smash to 8 for 10 minutes.
Summon Animals: They may atract 1d6 animals of 1d6 Level that are loyal to the earth child.
Psychic: They have 2 random cyphers.
Use: An earth child and its animal followers are attacking caravan on the road the characters are traveling on.  Are the earth child's claim of hauling pollutants true?
Loot: A dead earth child has 1 cypher.

Warhammer 40k: Necron Warrior for the Cypher System


Motive: Serve the C'tan
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 5
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Initiative action 6, Use Gauss Rifle 7
Combat: Necron warriors are the silent, terrifying infantry of their C'tan masters.

Use: 1d6 Necron warriors have phased into the area close to where the characters are staying.  Was this a Tomb World before the 9th World?
Loot: A dead neuron warrior has 1 cypher.

ParaMilitary: Panoptic Jarl

Antwerp 1946
After allied forces were recently expelled from the port by Nazi reinforcements, remote viewers of Project: Crystal Ball have confirmed reports from survivors of the attack that mummies were leading the assault.

Panoptic Jarl

"The Reich have gotten their hands on the first edition of Cultes des Goules.  Its the darkest form of necromancy.  Our forces are dealing with officers who have willingly been mummified to lead their troops into battle.  Officers who may very well be invincible."

-A selection from the Mankins Report, a debriefing of the massacre at Antwerp.

5th level leader [MUMMY] 
Initiative: +5

Kill You With My Cold, Dead Hands +8 vs. PD—18 damage 
     Natural Even Miss: 6 damage

R: Luger +10 vs. PD—15 damage 
     Natural Even Hit: An additional nearby enemy takes 10

Nastier Specials
Offizier: All creatures who serve under the canpotic jarl deal the escalation die on a miss.

AC   21
PD   19                             HP 72
MD  16

Fear Threshold 24 HP

ParaMilitary: Muninn for 13th Age

Antwerp 1946
After allied forces were recently expelled from the port by Nazi reinforcements, remote viewers of Project: Crystal Ball have confirmed reports from survivors of the attack that the enemy invoked the powers of Old Gods.


"He cut out Major Burke's eye.  Then...then...he put it in his mouth and he...he rolled it around like it was a...gumball.  He wasn't speaking kraut...not...not exactly.  

And then the lightning hit us."

-Testimony of Private First Class Ronald Colt on the freakish lightning strikes at Antwerp.

4th level scrapper troop [HUMAN] 
Initiative: +2

R: Blitz +8 vs. PD—8 damage to 1d3 nearby enemies
C: Fluch +9 vs. MD—4 ongoing damage 
     Natural 16+: The target is weakened.

R: Zauberei +9 vs. PD—10 damage 
     Natural 16+: The target is confused.

AC   19
PD   13                             HP 50
MD  18

Umbrage: Pickman's Swine for Shadow of the Demon Lord

So, late last year I heard about Robert J. Schwalb's new game, Shadow of the Demon Lord.  Because Rob is an awesome dude, he agreed to come demo the game at my store.  Because Rob is pure metal, he let me and my group into the playtest.  We spent the first part of the year, playing it.  

Its everything that I ever wanted out of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play and a Damn Fine Game to boot.  Wicked and mean.  Brilliant and terrifying.  Elegant and profane.  I can't recommend it enough.

The PDF released today and I wanted to let everyone who didn't back it, that they needed to go buy it right now.  I'll wait.

"Ole Cletus Pickman was a strange sort, the villagers only tolerated his strangeness because he raised the best hogs for miles and miles.  I mean, the Royals even bought the man's hogs.  Hell, he put Gurn's Bend on the map.  

His swine were always the most juicy and filling.  A true delicacy.  Yeah, he seemed to go a bit around the bend when, his sister, Lucy passed.  Started raising a bit of Kane on the full moon.  Started raising his "special stock".  He called him his "'lil' birdies".
Wouldn't sell any of 'em to nobody.  And I mean nobody.

Even beat Lars Hannigan's boys', Earl and Gus, bloody for "messing with his birdies".  Gus ain't been right since that night.

I gotta say the swine were....odd.  Their stare seemed to pierce me head.  They...heh...there was kinda this brightness behind their eyes.  And their flesh, it was...well it was kinda...I was....too soft.  And...and they smelled of...well....they smelled of sex.  Made me feel...

I know!  I know!  No!  I haven't touched anything today.  I'm just saying his birdies were...strange.  

Did ya hear they found his hand in their slop?  Just his hand.  Nothing else.  And all the birdie's were gone.  But the pen was locked up tight.

But...well...but I got a cousin up in Figtown and Roger sez they got swines eating babies up there.  And he sez they smell like...well...ya know."

Size 1 frightening animal
Perception 14 (+4); truesight
Defense 15 ; Health 20
Strength 15 (+5)   Agility 15 (+5)   Intellect 10 (+0)   Will 12 (+2)

Attack Options
Tusks (melee) +5 with 1 boon (1d6 + 2) 

Cryptogram: Br'talb, Demon Hound Rider for the Cypher System


Motive: Serve in the armies of the Unholy of Wormwood
Environment: Wormwood
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4
Armor: 3
Movement: Short or Long (on Demon Hound, Level 3 minion)
Modifications: Initiative action 5, Riding 5
Combat: Br'Talbs have a psychic union with their demon hound.

Psychic Rapport: When the br'talb is riding its demon hound, both may use riding to attack and defend.
Use: The characters witness a demon hound and its rider attack a family traveling on the road.
Loot: -

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thor's Day: Huginn for 13th Age

Antwerp 1946
After allied forces were recently expelled from the port by Nazi reinforcements, remote viewers of Project: Crystal Ball have confirmed reports from survivors of the attack that the enemy wielded mind over matter...and worse.


"They were in our heads!  Their mouth's weren't moving, but we could hear our minds.  They showed us terrible things.  Awful things.  And then Jimmy...uh...Private Scott got tossed up in the air, at least fifty feet and he landed next to me with a sick thump.  Like a bag of concrete hitting the pavement.  Y-yes sir, I ran.  I didn't know what else to do...I didn't know what else to do..."

-Testimony of Sergeant Timothy "Skip" Perkins on what happened at Antwerp.

4th level scrapper troop [HUMAN] 
Initiative: +4

R: Telepathie +9 vs. MD—10 damage 
     Natural Odd Roll+: On their next attack, the target rolls 2d20 to
    hit and keeps the lower roll.

R: Telekinese +9 vs. PD—8 damage 
     Natural 16+: The target takes an additional 8 damage and is

AC   20
PD   14                             HP 54
MD  18

Fear Threshold 14 HP

Feats of Daring : Harpers for D&D 5th Edition


Those Who Harp Feat

• You may cast pass without trace once per day.

•  You have learned harpspeak, a secret sign language that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows harpspeak understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.

In addition, you understand a set of runes used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or which factions are active, the location of secret caches, or denoting safe houses operated by Harpers or their allies.

• You gain proficiency in History and one of the following: Deception, Disguise kits, a Language of your choice, a Musical instrument of your choice, Persuasion, Stealth, or Survival.

Cryptogram: Dybbuk the Demon Ghoul for the Cypher System


Motive: Torment and feed
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Might 7, Might defense 7, Numenera 7, Perception 7
Combat: A dybbuk is a malicious predator.

Animate Dead: They may inhabit a corpse that has been dead for less than 28 hours.
Nocturnal: It takes 1 damage that ignores armor for every minute it is exposed to sunlight.
Use: The characters come across a survivor of a the demon ghoul, but is it a real survivor or the dybbuk inhabiting one of its victim's corpse?
Loot: A dead dybbuk has 1 cypher.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

ParaMilitary: Hyperborean Trooper

Antwerp 1946
After allied forces were recently expelled from the port by Nazi reinforcements, remote viewers of Project: Crystal Ball have confirmed reports from survivors of the attack that savage, nearly invincible shock troopers wielding ancient weapons were primarily responsible for the attack's success.


Nazi soldiers who have volunteered for the "Thule Treatment", using atavism to draw out their pure Aryan spirits.  The hyperboreans are a force to be reckoned with.

2nd level scrapper troop [HUMAN] 
Initiative: +8

Berserk! +7 vs. AC—7 damage 
     Natural 16+: Roll 2d20 to hit and keep the higher roll on the
     next attack.

Nastier Specials
Frenzy:  On a miss the target takes 1d6 damage.

AC   20
PD   16                             HP 36
MD  12

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Grumbar for D&D 5th Edition

I'm importing the idea of Specialty Priests and channeling a bit of DnD 4E by treating them as Feats.

Specialty Priests of Grumbar

Earthwalker Feat

Prerequisite: Monk with Way of the Four Elements Monastic Tradition

ternal mountain defense, gong of the summit, and wave of rolling earth each cost you 1 less ki point to cast.

• You have advantage henever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework.

Cryptogram: Pythonan for the Cypher System


Motive: Serve the Splugorth
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4
Armor: 3 (telekinetic body field)
Movement: Short
Modifications: Initiative action 5, Might 6, Might defense 5, Numenera 5, Perception 5
Combat: Masters of guile and psionics.

Telekinesis: They have 2 random cyphers.
Bite: They inflicts 1 damage that ignores armor within immediate range. 
Use: The characters are led to fence who happens to be a pythonan agent of the Splugorth.
Loot: A dead pythonan has 1 cypher.

Cryptogram: Pestilence of the Four Horsemen for the Cypher System


Motive: Bring about the apocalypse
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 24
Damage Inflicted: 8
Armor: 3
Movement: Short or Long (on Netherbeast a Level 5 Minion)
Modifications: Initiative action, 9, Intellect Defense 9
Combat: Pestilence is inevitable.
Body of Bugs: When a creature damages Pestilence within immediate range, it inflicts 2 points of damage that ignores armor. 
Devoured: It pulls a creature into its body of bugs, moving a creature down the damage track by 1.
Insect Swarm: It inflicts 3 damage that ignores armor to all creatures within short range.
Staff of Destruction: It has 3 random cyphers, with each cypher gaining +1 to its level and 3 random artifacts.
Use: Pestilence is coming from the east, it intends to converge with the other Horsemen to bring about armageddon.  The characters become aware of this when a swarm of myriad insects beset the town they are currently in.
Loot: A defeated Pestilenc has 1d6 cyphers and 3 artifacts.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Prime Materials: Wolfshadow for D&D 5th Edition


Magic weapon (spear), legendary (requires attunement)

You gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with this magic weapon

In addition, you gain a +4 bonus to AC against shapechangers   Finally, you deal an additional 2d6 damage against shapechangers.

Folklore tells us that the spear known as Wolfshadow was blessed by a vistani witch woman after her daughter was murdered by the infamous werewolf, Edgar Tsiana.  While the weapon has not ended Tsiana's reign of terror, it has been used to destroy over 10 

Cryptogram: Sunaj Assassin for the Cypher System


Motive: Serve the Splugorth
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 5
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Light Bladed Weapon 6, Speed defense 7
Combat: Sunaj assassin's have mastered the art of murder.

Tattoo Magic: They have 1d6+1 random cyphers.
Magic Dagger: It inflicts 3 damage that ignores armor within immediate range.
Use: The characters are being followed by a sunaj.  But who is her target?
Loot: A dead sunaj assassin has 1d3 cyphers.

Cross Planes Drifters: Cobriath for the Cypher System


Motive: Devour
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 3
Movement: : Short
Modifications: Grapple 7, Might 7, Might defense 7
Combat: Cobriath's are powerful hunters and deadly combatants.

Spit: Inflicts 3 damage that ignores armor to a creature within short range.
Crush: Target creature moves to Impaired on the damage track, instead of taking damage.
Use: A cobriath is lairing just inside the entrance to the ruins the characters have begun exploring.
Loot: A dead cobriath has 1 cypher.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

ParaMilitary: Vendigo for 13th Age

Stalingrad 1946
A team of field agents representing Project: Crystal Ball have been dispatched to the area due to reports of a man-eating spirit.  Lars Pillar, a Journeyman on loan from the Fraternity of Inner Light firmly believes that the spirit, what he calls a wendigo, is a Nazi operative.

Pillar, Lt. Crisp, and Agent Fallon have decided to trap the monster.


A soldier so loyal he was willing to eat his own squadron to gain the powers of the wendigo.  To hunt.  To kill.  To eat.  To serve the Fuhrer.

5th level spoiler [SPIRIT] 
Initiative: +9

Nothing But Teeth. +10 vs. PD—18 damage 
     Natural 16+: The target takes 6 ongoing damage.

Like The Howling Wind. —The vendigo may disengage from an enemy as a quick action with an easy save (6+). 

AC   21
PD   19                             HP 80
MD  15

Fear Threshold 30 HP

Cryptogram: Tyranid Genestealer for the Cypher System


Motive: Serve the Hive Fleet
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 5
Armor: 3
Movement: : Short
Modifications: Smash 6, Speed defense 6, Stealth 7
Combat: Genestealers insert their genetic material into a host and convert the unwilling creature into a tyranid.

Too Many Claw: Inflicts 5 damage to 1d6 creatures within immediate range.
Genethief: Level 4 attack that lowers the creature one step down the damage track.  If the creature dies from this attack, it becomes a genestealer in 28 hours.
Use: A genestealer cult has let one theses monsters loose in the sewers beneath the town the characters are currently in.
Loot: A dead genestealer has 2 cyphers.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Out of the Abyss: Fanatic of Demogorgon

Lunatics.  Devotees.  Zealots.  The fanatics who serve Demogorgon have drowned in his dark madness and seek to bring more victims to His bottomless depths.

Medium humanoid, chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 52 (7d8+21) 
Speed 40 ft.
   Str            Dex         Con           Int         Wis         Cha
14 (+2)        13 (+1)        16 (+3)        11 (+0)      13 (+1)      14 (+2)

Skills Athletics +4, Persuasion +4
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Abyssal
Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Magic Resistance. The fanatic has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.



Multiattack. The fanatic makes two attacks.

Sacrificial Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage and an additional 1d4 necrotic damage.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes at Patreon.)

Out of the Abyss: A Trio of Magic Weapons for D&D 5th Edition

In the Rage of Demons DnD game I'm running, the characters recently got a small cache of weapons that had been forged by a small clan of Salamanders.  


Magic weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with this magic weapon

In addition, a creature that touches you or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you takes 2 fire damage.

Magic weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon.  

In addition, you may cast the misty step spell twice per day.


Magic weapon (long bow), very rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with this magic weapon.  

In addition, you deal fire damage with this bow.

Finally, if you score a critical hit with this magic weapon the target suffers one level of exhaustion.

Cryptogram: Mechanoid Type 1 Brute for the Cypher System


Motive: Preserve the Mechanoids
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 5
Armor: 3
Movement: : Short (running)
Modifications: Smash 6, Might defense 6
Combat: Type 1 Brutes are infantry leaders.

Missile Launcher: Inflicts 5 damage within long range.
Plasma Cannon: Inflicts 3 damage that ignore armor.
Tri-Laser: Inflicts 2 damage to three enemies within immediate range.
Use: The characters stumble upon a Type 1 Brute that has just arrived in the area.  Its looking for a fight.
Loot: A dead mechanoid type 1 brute has 2 cyphers.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

Cryptogram: Black Faerie for the Cypher System


Motive: Sew chaos and feed
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 9
Damage Inflicted: 3
Armor: 3
Movement: Short (Flying)
Modifications: Initiative action 5
Combat: A horrific mutant faerie, these abominations hunt and fee on anything or anyone.

Invisibility: They may use their action to become invisible and all of their Defenses and Stealth become 7.  They become visible, as soon as they attack.
Fae Magic: They have 2 random cyphers.
Use: A black faerie has chosen the area surrounding the characters as its hunting ground.
Loot: A dead black faerie has 1d3 cyphers.

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Akadi for D&D 5th Edition

I'm importing the idea of Specialty Priests and channeling a bit of DnD 4E by treating them as Feats.

Specialty Priests of Akadi

Airwalker Feat

Prerequisite: Cleric with Tempest Divine Domain

You are proficient in Vehicles (Land) and Acrobatics.

• You may cast feather fall at will.

Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.