Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cross Planes Drifters: Cobriath for the Cypher System


Motive: Devour
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 3
Movement: : Short
Modifications: Grapple 7, Might 7, Might defense 7
Combat: Cobriath's are powerful hunters and deadly combatants.

Spit: Inflicts 3 damage that ignores armor to a creature within short range.
Crush: Target creature moves to Impaired on the damage track, instead of taking damage.
Use: A cobriath is lairing just inside the entrance to the ruins the characters have begun exploring.
Loot: A dead cobriath has 1 cypher.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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