Saturday, January 30, 2016

Character Crucible: Giff is now LIVE on the

I've expanded and revised my work on the Giff into a full product to bring the classic Spelljamer race into DnD 5th Edition.

If can be purchased here.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Battle Beasts: Uther Ungol for FAE

The excellent Masters of Umdarr, a great science fantasy setting for FATE Accelerated, has inspired me to work up some Battle Beasts, an awesome toy line I grew up with.


High Concept: 
   Mutabug Spider Courtier
Motivation: To Faithfully Serve Commodore Thesh
Personal: To Solve the Fibonacci Conundrum
Shared: I Taught You Brackish

Careful: Average (+1) 
Clever: Fair (+2) 
Flashy: Good (+3) 
Forceful: Mediocre (+0) 
Quick: Average (+1) 
Sneaky: Fair (+2)


Eight Legs (Clever): You have 8 legs, which can take your enemy by surprise. +2 when Cleverly creating an advantage related to disarming or stealing from an opponent.

Spit Attack (Flashy): You can surprise your enemy with your hidden ability to spit poison. You may Cleverly attack opponents up to two zones away with this stunt. The first time during a scene that you attack in this way, add +2 to the attack. In addition, you can never become Unarmed.

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Mild (2): 
Moderate (4): 
Severe (6):


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Savage Worlds: Eschaton of Mechaniopea

"Mechaniopea that bordered on the unskinkable city of Hadron"

The icy tundras of Mechaniopea hum an eerie plea, as the Nanarch directs It's agents, by the millions, to the perfect completion of their tasks, deep below the permafrost.  The Nanarch, in It's perfection, will stand for nothing less in It's agents and will brook no alteration to It's perfect plan.  To this end, It has created the perfect enforcer, the eschatrons.  They perfectly execute the Nanarch's vision by any means It deems necessary.


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d4, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12

Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Investigation d6, Shooting d10, Tracking d8

Pace: 10; Parry: 8 Toughness: 11 (1)

Annihl8 Weapon System 3d6 damage

Special Abilities 
• Unarmed d12+d6+1 damage
• Armor 1
• Construct
• Fearless
• Flight
• Hardy
• Infravision
• Size +2

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

X-Files: Fox Mulder for the Cypher System

Despite his aloofness and cynical sense of humor, Mulder displays unbridled enthusiasm and interest when it comes to the paranormal, especially because of his personal involvement after his sister's abductionWalter Skinner and other FBI officials have become concerned by his unprofessional behavior. This only proves true as Mulder makes a habit of letting his personal feelings cloud his judgment.

Fox Mulder
Driven Explorer Who Solves Mysteries

Level/Effort 1

Might 12 Edge 1
Speed 10
Intellect 14 

Special Abilities 
Decipher (1 Intellect point)

Trained in Lockpicking
Trained in Perception
Trained in UFOology
Trained in The Paranormal 
Trained in Psychology
Trained in Criminology
Trained in Intellect defense

Practiced in Light and Medium Weapons
Each day, choose one skill that you believe will clearly help you reach your goal. You are trained in tasks related to that skill. 

Your commitment to your goals makes it hard to relate to others who don’t share your objectives or to notice things that don’t pertain to your present mission. The difficulty of all perception tasks is increased by one step.


Tier 1: 
   Investigator. To really shine as an investigator, you must engage your mind and body in your deductions. You can spend points from your Might Pool, Speed Pool, or Intellect Pool to apply levels of Effort to any Intellect-based task. Enabler. 

   Sleuth. Finding the clues is the rst step in solving a mystery. You are trained in perception. Enabler.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Masters of the Universe: Webstor for FAE

Araneus, son of Raknus is one of the last remaining members of an ancient Eternian race of Spider Warriors called the Arachna, Webstor was awoken from hibernation beneath Snake Mountain and occasionally allies himself with Skeletor.

In ancient times, the Arachna were an advanced dominant race until driven underground by the Snake Men. Araneus retains much of the knowledge of his people and while seemingly savage, is an expert mathematician and strategist, as well as an accomplished escape artist. He often arms himself with a grappling hook Fast Pack and uses his climbing power to escape capture!

High Concepts: 
   Last of the Spider Warriors
Trouble: Savagery
Other Aspects: Escape Artist;
  Expert Tactician
  Fast Pack

Careful: Average (+1) 
Clever: Fair (+2) 
Flashy: Mediocre (+0) 
Forceful: Average (+1) 
Quick: Fair (+2) 
Sneaky: Good (+3)

Arachnan: I may Sneakily use my FAST PACK to move up to 2 zones away.

Grappling Hook: 
I may Quickly use my Devices to create an obstacle for a single opponent in combat.

The Sleeper Awakens: I may Cleverly use my Knowledge of Ancient Eternia to overcome an obstacle out of combat.

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Mild (2): 
Moderate (4): 
Severe (6):


Monday, January 25, 2016

The Old World: Saurus of the Lizard Men for 13th Age

Saurus are large, blue, reptilian warriors. They are over eight feet in length from head to the tips of their tails, and are covered in thick scales which act as armour. They have large jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth and have large talons that allow them to maul an opponent. When the Old Ones first created the Saurus they were tasked with eradicating the races that did not form a part of the Great Plan and have wiped out entire species in this quest. However, despite many campaigns, the Saurus were never able to completely eradicate the Greenskins. Saurus can live for thousands of years, and may well be immortal: it has never been known for a Saurus to die of old age, they always die in battle. Like all Lizardmen, the Saurus possess a cold, alien intelligence and are essentially without mercy. Their single-minded focus on warfare and training should not be mistaken for stupidity.


3rd level wrecker [REPTILE] 
Initiative: +7

Bred for Eradication +9 vs. AC - 10 damage
        Natural 16+: Fear grips the target.

Claw, Claw, Bite +8 vs. PD  - 10 damage
        Natural Odd Roll: 10 additional damage.
        Natural 16+: 20 additional damage.

Nastier Specials
Tailsweep +7 vs. AC (1d3 nearby enemies) - 10 damage
        Natural 16+: Target is hampered.

Immortal Warrior: The saurus uses the escalation dice.

AC 19

PD  17               HP 40

MD 12

Sunday, January 24, 2016

With A Little Help From My Friends

One of my products on the Dungeon Masters Guild is a retail version of my Specialty Priests of the Forgotten Realms.  When I worked it up, I looked at every deity and approached everything with a fresh eye.  I made some significant changes.  Sadly, I've also gotten a 1 Star review for it.

I need feedback, honest, critical feedback.

I will gladly give away a copy of the Specialty Priests PDF to the first 5 people who post their e-mail address in the comments section of this post, BUT I need input.  So, please only do this if you are willing to give me your opinion of how the PDF compares to the posts I did earlier this year, and can do that within the next few days.

Thanks in advance!

FATE: Stereoactive for Umdarr & Eternia

The excellent Masters of Umdarr, a great science fantasy setting for FATE Accelerated, has inspired me!


High Concept: 
   SMutant Battlemage Who Bends Sound And Radiation
Motivation: To Live A Normal Life
Personal: To Control My Powers
Shared: You Couldn't Save Me From The T-Pit

Careful: Mediocre (+1) 
Clever: Fair (+2) 
Flashy: Failr (+3) 
Forceful: Good (+3) 
Quick: Average (+1) 
Sneaky: Average (+1)


Sonic Cry (Flashy): You can emit loud sonic cries that cause intense pain. Once per session, you can Flashily attack with a +2 bonus, attacking every other char- acter in your zone, including allies!

Fluorescent (Flashy): You can emit light from your skin, eyes, or hands. Once per scene, when you attempt to Flashily overcome an aspect related to darkness, you can outcome surge the result. Whenever you use this stunt, you gain a Glowing situation aspect with no free invoke, which lasts until the end of the scene.

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Mild (2): 
Moderate (4): 
Severe (6):


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Review: AZ: After Zombies by Apocalyptic Games

I've been following Charles Rice's blog and products for several yeas now and took notice when he formed Apocalyptic Games.  I'm a big fan of his work on games like Modern20 and Osric Unearthed.  When I saw he was releasing AZ: After Zombies, a survival horror RPG set in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse I knew I had to give it a look.

And I'm glad I did.

I'm going to begin this review by stating that this game reminds me of the types I bought and grew up on in the late 80's and early 90's, especially works by GDW.  There is a vibe that this game has that really hit the nostalgia nail squarely on the head for me.  Charles covers not just fighting zombies but having to survive in a terrible new world.  He addresses scrounging and finding resources and covers group dynamics and the inevitable drama of having survivors deal with and succumb to the melancholy of losing their world.

The first step is to choose a Background that gives you skills and sets your Attributes.  You may roll to randomly determine this.  Backgrounds include Academic, blank slate, politician, or white collar.

The Attributes are Combat Ability, Health, Insight, Intellect, Leadership, Luck, Quickness, and Strength.  They are rated on a scale of 1 to 100 and are the base rating of a Skill and require you to roll equal to or under on a d100.  If you do not have the appropriate Skill, you will need to roll equal to or under half your Attribute.

Your second through fifth steps will adjust your Attributes positively and negatively based upon your choices.

Step six is to roll a Trait, which grants an advantage, or you can simply choose one from your background.  They include Dove, Sex Appeal, Team Player, or Gifted.

Step seven is to calculate your Derived Attributes, they are Mental Toughness (sanity), Endurance (fatigue), Action Points (number of action in a turn), and Unity (how well your group of survivors get along).

Step eight gives you the option to pick a Disadvantage, they give you slight bonus at character creation, but create complications in play.  They include Allergic Reaction, Dark Past, or Enemy.

Step nine has you pick your skills, you get a minimum of one of your choosing and one from your Background.  One interesting benefit of complimentary Skills is Synergy, essentially you gain +10% to your Skill check if you have Synergy.

Step ten has you pick your equipment and the Game Master has the option of adjusting its conditions to reflect the After Zombie world.

AZ is a level based game and has no maximum level.  On even levels you get a Survivor Improvement (which grants either a flat bonus or a die roll to increase an Attribute, the bonus depends on how your prioritized the Attribute in character creation) and a Learning Check (a chance to learn a new skill with modifiers based on what you've done to pick it up).  On odd levels you gain a Perk (special abilities that enhance existing skills and abilities).

Combat in AZ flows as follows:

1. Determine Surprise (if any).
2. Roll Initiative (roll a percentile and add the Quickness Attribute).
3. Each combatant acts from highest to lowest.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the combat is over.

One thing that separates AZ from many combat systems are your Action Points, which are determined by dividing your Quickness by 10.  During the course of a combat round (6 seconds) each type of action you want to use has a cost from 1 to 3 Action Points.
Some 1 point actions: Aiming, Bracing, Reloading, Suppressive Fire.
Some 2 point actions: Make a Skill Check, Medium Melee Attack, Quickshot, Reckless Melee Attack, or Take Cover.
Some 3 point actions: Block, CPR, Dodge, Headlong Flight, or Heavy Melee Attack.

When you attack someone you determine where you hit them by the "1s" die.  So if I roll a 53 on a d100 and succeed with attacking someone, I hit them in location 3 or the Upper Chest.
Locations are: Head, Shoulder, Upper Chest, Middle Chest, Stomach, Groin, Arm, and Leg.
If my successful attack roll exceeds my target's Health, they take an injury which is determined by the location I hit and includes Bleeding and Trauma.

A great deal of information is presented about different types of equipment and what state they are in and what's required to maintain them.

There is a large section that covers various enemies from zombies to animals to other humans.

And I enjoyed the Game Mastering section and felt it gave good advice on how to run an AZ game.

And an adventure is also presented to get you started right away.

I highly recommend this game and hope you think about checking it out.

Psionics Unearthed: Mind Mage is now LIVE on the Dungeon Masters Guild.Com

My fifth product on the DMsGuild is now LIVE!

Psionics Unearthed: Mind Mage is my first product that is not a revision or expansion of a project I posted about here on my blog.

Mind Mages are a Sorcerous Origin with a psionic bloodline that focus on telepathy.

Its available here.

Cypher Friends: Nova for the Cypher System

Chosen at random by the dying Xandarian Rhomann Dey to receive his Nova Corps powers, teenager Richard Rider found himself thrust into the role of superhero, a role he grasped with relish. He battled foes such as Dey's nemesis Zorr, the avian criminal Condor, the amnesiac Powerhouse (actually a Xandarian sent to locate the missing Dey), his uncle's murderer and member of the Maggia, Photon, and the mysterious Sphinx. The latter eventually kidnapped Nova and several others, using Dey's spaceship to transport them all to Xandar.

NOVA  7 (21)

Motive: To protect the Earth
Environment: Any
Health: 22
Damage Inflicted: 7
Armor: 3
Movement: Short or Long (Flying)
Modifications: Initiative action 8, Speed defense 8

Combat: Nova is Centurion of Xandar and has superhuman strength, speed, endurance and the ability to fly.
Human Rocket: He inflicts 4 damage to each enemy in Immediate range.
Nova Force: He has 2 random cyphers.
Use: Nova juggles protecting his home, the Earth, Xandar, and the space in between.  He's a fairly normal teenager and can be an impulsive enemy or a loyal ally.
Loot: A defeated Nova has 1 cypher.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Battle Beasts: Perth The Golden for FAE

The excellent Masters of Umdarr, a great science fantasy setting for FATE Accelerated, has inspired me to work up some Battle Beasts, an awesome toy line I grew up with.

Kickback Kangaroo


High Concept: 
   Mutabeast Kangaroo Paladin
Motivation: To Serve as Sheriff of Knoq
Personal: To Win the Rhineland Rally
Shared: I Taught You How To Ride A Rocketbike

Careful: Good (+3) 
Clever: Average (+1) 
Flashy: Fair (+2) 
Forceful: Fair (+2) 
Quick: Average (+1) 
Sneaky: Mediocre (+0)


Scimitar (Flashy): You use a scimitar, wielding it in one or both hands. At the beginning of any conflict, as a free action and before anyone else acts, you can attempt to Flashily create an advantage that demonstrates how impressive a fighter you are.

Strong Legs (Flashy): You have powerful legs that are especially suited for running or jumping. During contests and cliffhangers, gain +2 when Quickly overcoming physical obstacles or creating advantages.

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Mild (2): 
Moderate (4): 
Severe (6):


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cypher System: Wields The Omnitrix Focus

This is for my 14 year old son:

You have found an ancient alien device that stores the DNA profiles of numerous alien races and may gain their powers and form for 1 hour.

Connection: Choose one of the following.

1. Pick one other PC. This character has been your friend for a long time, and has witness your struggles with the Omnitrix.  Once in a 24 hour period they can allow you to roll a second d6 and will decide which of the two die rolls you will use, as long as they are within 5 feet of you when you use the Omnitrix.

2. Pick two other PCs. You know about an important connection between them that even they don’t know about.

3. Pick one other PC. This character has interesting ideas about the technology and how we can use it. If you are trained in Technology, after you talk to this character for an hour, you gain an asset on any task involving identifying, researching, interacting, or repairing technology.

4. Pick one other PC. He is extremely xenophobic when it comes to aliens. You want to help him, but you aren’t sure how or even whether he will be open to your assistance.

Additional Equipment: You have a several electronic devices that you use constantly.

Omnitrix Abilities: When you select a Foci, you need to choose an alien form to represent it.

Minor Effect Suggestion: The target is knocked back a short distance by the power of your attack, and the difficulty of its next task is modified by one step to its detriment.

Major Effect Suggestion: Alien technology explodes. You can target and destroy a piece of alien tech that a foe is holding or wearing.

Tier 1: It's Hero Time. Roll a d6 and for the next hour you have access to Tier 1 of the Focus rolled:

1) Bears A Halo Of Fire
2) Abides In Stone
3) Moves Like The Wind
4) Talks To Machines
5) Performs Feats Of Strength
6) Soars Across The Sky
Tier 2: Goin' Hero. Roll a d6, you may spend 1 Intellect point to add 1 to the roll, and for the next hour you have access to Tier 1 through 2 of the Focus rolled:

1) Bears A Halo Of Fire
2) Abides In Stone
3) Moves Like The Wind
4) Talks To Machines
5) Performs Feats Of Strength
6) Soars Across The Sky

Tier 3: Oh, Man. Roll a d6, you may spend 1 Intellect point to add 1 or subtract 1 to the roll, and for the next hour you have access to Tiers 1 through 3 of one of the Foci rolled:

1) Bears A Halo Of Fire or Rides The Lightning
2) Abides In Stone or Sculpts Light
3) Moves Like The Wind or Resides In Silicon
4) Talks To Machines or Projects Energy
5) Performs Feats Of Strength or Employs Magnetism
6) Soars Across The Sky or Grows To Towering Heights

Tier 4: Ultimate Hero Time. Roll a d6, you may spend 1 Intellect point to add 1 or subtract 1 to the roll, and for the next hour you have access to Tiers 1 through 4 of one of the Foci rolled:

1) Bears A Halo Of Fire or Rides The Lightning
2) Abides In Stone or Sculpts Light
3) Moves Like The Wind or Resides In Silicon
4) Talks To Machines or Projects Energy
5) Performs Feats Of Strength or Employs Magnetism
6) Soars Across The Sky or Grows To Towering Heights

Tier 5: Omni-Cool. Roll a d6, you may instead spend 3 Intellect points to instead choose your Focus, and for the next hour you have access to Tiers 1 through 5 of one of the Foci rolled or selected:

1) Bears A Halo Of Fire or Rides The Lightning
2) Abides In Stone or Sculpts Light
3) Moves Like The Wind or Resides In Silicon
4) Talks To Machines or Projects Energy
5) Performs Feats Of Strength or Employs Magnetism
6) Soars Across The Sky or Grows To Towering Heights

Tier 5: Omni-Trick Roll a d6, you may instead spend 3 Intellect points to instead choose two Foci, and for the next hour you gain mixed access to Tiers 1 through 6 of the Foci rolled or selected: (E.G., If you roll a 1 you can have Tiers 1,3, and 5 of Bears A Halo Of Fire and Tiers 2, 4, and 6 of Rides The Lighting; Or for 3 Intellect points you may select Tiers 1 through 4 of Projects Energy and Tiers 5 and 6 of Soars Across The Sky)

1) Bears A Halo Of Fire or Rides The Lightning
2) Abides In Stone or Sculpts Light
3) Moves Like The Wind or Resides In Silicon
4) Talks To Machines or Projects Energy
5) Performs Feats Of Strength or Employs Magnetism

6) Soars Across The Sky or Grows To Towering Heights

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Old World: Cold One of the Lizard Men for 13th Age

The Cold Ones are foul-tempered and dim-witted reptilian creatures. They emerge from subterranean lairs to prowl in packs throughout Lustria. They are hunched bipedal beasts with muscular legs, but when Cold Ones move at speed, they often use their forelimbs for balance and to achieve a more rapid pace. These shortened arms come into their own, however, at the conclusion of a hunt. When assaulting, Cold Ones lead with their scythe-like claws, attempting first to disembowel their quarry. If it spots an undefended limb or underbelly, Cold Ones dart out their elongated necks in a snake-like strike. With a horrific snapping of powerful jaws, 


6th level wrecker [REPTILE] 
Initiative: +5

Disembowel +11 vs. AC - 20 damage
        Natural 16+: 10 additional damage

Powerful Jaws +11 vs. PD  - 25 damage

        Natural Even Roll: Target is grabbed.

Nastier Specials
Lightning Quick +11 vs. AC - 21 damage
        Natural 16+: Target is stunned.
Pack Hunters: When the escalation die is 3, 1d3 additional cold
        ones arrive.

AC 22

PD  20               HP 90

MD 16

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Character Crucible: Monster Hunter is now LIVE on the DMGuild

I've just launched my fourth product on the Dungeon Masters Guild!

The second release in my Character Crucible series features the Monster Hunter, which provides options for the Ranger's Hunter Archetype from the Player's Handbook. It allows a Hunter Ranger to focus on tactics that allow your character to better destroy shapechangers and undead.

You may purchase the PDF here.

Outpost Apocalypse: Sentient Ape for the Wasted West

In the mighty forests just outside of Old Frisco, sentient apes rule with a long memory, where humans are not welcome.


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10

Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8

Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7

• Longsword 1d10+1d8 damage
• Winchester '76 2d8 damage

Special Abilities 

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Masters of the Universe Monday: Sy-Klone for FAE

Sy-Klone, Son of Dy-Lex, was the Protector of the Legacy Stones and the Last Defender of Anwat Gar.  He joined the Masters of the Universe after the stones were destroyed and his mission completed. He wears the last remaining TECH vest armor created by his Gar ancestors to terrorize Eternia after the Great Wars. Its built-in wind rockets allow the user to create powerful vortexes of spinning energy as a defensive weapon or to fly through the air. Sy-Klone has upgraded his armor to also include a cosmic radar which lets him sense the physical presence of evil long before others. Sy-Klone’s wind powers and radar chest make him combat ready!


High Concepts: 
   Last Defender of Anwat Gar
Trouble: He Can Sense The Physical Presence Of Evil
Other Aspects: Wields the Last TECH Vest;
  Tech Expert
  Create Powerful Vortexes

Careful: Average (+1) 
Clever: Fair (+2) 
Flashy: Good (+3) 
Forceful: Average (+1) 
Quick: Fair (+2) 
Sneaky: Mediocre (+0)

Protector: I may Carefully use my experience Defending the Legacy Stones to create an obstacle in combat.

Cosmic Rader: 
I may Flashily use my TECH Vest to battle a single opponent.

Human Cyclone: I may Quickly use Vortex Control to move up to 2 zones away.

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Mild (2): 
Moderate (4): 
Severe (6):


Specialty Priests of the Forgotten Realms Volume 1 is now LIVE on the Dungeon Masters Guild

I've published a third product, Specialty Priests of the Forgotten Realms Volue 1.  It's presents each Forgotten Realms deity in the Player's Handbook with a feat to further customize your cleric character.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Outpost Apocalypse: Carcassman for Savage Worlds and the Wasted West

Often mislabeled as spiders, these predators are unsettlingly widespread throughout the Wasted West. 
 Through an unknown process, roughly 7% of any carcass within the wastelands are implanted with an egg and over an unknown period of time consumes the organs of the body and sprouts eight legs from the remains.  This terrifying creature then begins to hunt for it's next meal, its exoskeleton comprised of its unfortunate victim, possibly a dead dog, raccoon, mutant or even a bear with spider legs jammed through the remains. 

Biologists within the Institute have noted that it's anatomy, hidden within the exoskeleton is strikingly similar to a harvestman, hence the choice of name. 

Wild Card

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d10

Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d4, Stealth d6

Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (3)

Special Abilities 
• Unarmed 2d10 damage
Armor 3
• Fear -3
Wall Walker

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Savage Worlds: Nightcomers

The Nightcomers and their Matron grew accustomed to being respected and feared by the those that live by the sea.  But in this new century, they have grown to believe that their Coven has become forgotten and worse, the source of laughter and scorn.  Soon, very soon, these daughters of the Devil will remind this century why whole nations guarded themselves against their kin.

Wild Card

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d12

Skills: , Fighting d8, Notice d10, Stealth d8, Tracking 26

Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8

Special Abilities 
• Unarmed 2d8 damage
• Wall Walking
• Improved Arcane Resistance
• Power Points 20
• Beast Friend
• Bolt
• Darksight
• Disguise
• Dispel
• Fear
• Invisibility
• Mind reading
• Shape Change
• Smite

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

FATE: Clocksquatch for Umdaar & Eternia

The excellent Masters of Umdarr, a great science fantasy setting for FATE Accelerated, has inspired me!

By SpiderGuile


High Concept: 
   Sasquatch Psychic
Motivation: To Become a Time Master
Personal: To Gain Revenge on Voltsok
Shared: You Save Me from the Energy Vampires of Tu

Careful: Good (+3) 
Clever: Fair (+2) 
Flashy: Mediocre (+0) 
Forceful: Fair (+2) 
Quick: Fair (+2) 
Sneaky: Average (+1)


Precognition (Careful): You can sense when trouble is coming. Once per scene, when you Carefully defend yourself against a trap or an inanimate threat, you can outcome surge the result.

Timeshadow (Quick): Whenever you succeed at Quickly defending against a long-range attack, you can immediately move one zone.

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Mild (2): 
Moderate (4): 
Severe (6):


Publish or Perish?

My family and I spend the weekend sick, bad enough that I took those days off from posting and I come back to a world not only with a 5th Edition SRD, but a platform to publish within the Forgotten Realms.


I mean, wow.

I'm really thinking of polishing a few ideas up around here and offering them.  Is that cool?  Polishing up some ideas I've given away and asking someone to buy them?

Of course, there are also some ideas from my Forgotten Realms campaigns (I'm running both Princes of the Apocalypse and Out of the Abyss) that I wouldn't mind trying to sell.

I'm excited, nervous, and uncertain all at once.

Stick around though, I promise the ride will be interesting.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Grave New World: Erik Oster for the Cypher System

Erik contracted lycanthropy at the age of nineteen after becoming one of  the eleven victims of Ronald "Rampage" Krenshaw's infection spree on December 21, 2009, also know as Bad Moon Night.

He's managed to adjust to his lycanthropy with therapy and by finding a strong and supportive pack to join in Indianapolis.
He's also devotes time to advocating lycanthropy awareness and mentoring the newly infected.  He's being pushed by his pack into entering local politics.

Erik has also had great success working for Bullivor-Cantrell, the midwest's premiere preternatural security agency.  He currently heads up there Unliving Disposal division, and is considered a regional expert on zombies.

Erik Oster
Werewolf Speaker Who Hunts Zombies

Level/Effort 1

Might 10
Speed 15
Intellect 13 Edge 1

Understanding (2 Intellect points)
Encouragement (1 Intellect point)
Enthrall (1 Intellect point)

Susceptible to Silver
Moon Mad

Trained in Tasks related to Perception
Trained in Deceiving, Persuading, or Intimidating
Practiced in Light and Medium Weapons

Tier1: Tracker and Hunter 

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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