Thursday, January 28, 2016

Savage Worlds: Eschaton of Mechaniopea

"Mechaniopea that bordered on the unskinkable city of Hadron"

The icy tundras of Mechaniopea hum an eerie plea, as the Nanarch directs It's agents, by the millions, to the perfect completion of their tasks, deep below the permafrost.  The Nanarch, in It's perfection, will stand for nothing less in It's agents and will brook no alteration to It's perfect plan.  To this end, It has created the perfect enforcer, the eschatrons.  They perfectly execute the Nanarch's vision by any means It deems necessary.


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d4, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12

Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, Investigation d6, Shooting d10, Tracking d8

Pace: 10; Parry: 8 Toughness: 11 (1)

Annihl8 Weapon System 3d6 damage

Special Abilities 
• Unarmed d12+d6+1 damage
• Armor 1
• Construct
• Fearless
• Flight
• Hardy
• Infravision
• Size +2

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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