Wednesday, August 26, 2015

ParaMilitary: Hyperborean Trooper

Antwerp 1946
After allied forces were recently expelled from the port by Nazi reinforcements, remote viewers of Project: Crystal Ball have confirmed reports from survivors of the attack that savage, nearly invincible shock troopers wielding ancient weapons were primarily responsible for the attack's success.


Nazi soldiers who have volunteered for the "Thule Treatment", using atavism to draw out their pure Aryan spirits.  The hyperboreans are a force to be reckoned with.

2nd level scrapper troop [HUMAN] 
Initiative: +8

Berserk! +7 vs. AC—7 damage 
     Natural 16+: Roll 2d20 to hit and keep the higher roll on the
     next attack.

Nastier Specials
Frenzy:  On a miss the target takes 1d6 damage.

AC   20
PD   16                             HP 36
MD  12

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