Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Review: Adventurers! by GRAmel

The Adventurers! from GRAmel is pretty exciting concept, an RPG in 2 pages. The layout is pretty neat and you do get a Player's Guide (2 pages) and a GM's Guide (2 pages).

The Introduction to the Player's Guide welcomes you to the game.

Action Resolution presents the rules: Roll 2d6 and add one of the three Stats to equal or exceed a 7 (before modifiers). Opposed rolls are 2d6+Stat vs 2d6+Stat, high roll wins. Double 1's are critical failure. Double 6's are critical successes.

Next we are introduced to the three Stats: Strength, Agility, and Mind. As well as the four derives stats: Attack, Defense, Heroism (let's you add +1 to a roll or reroll the dice), and Endurance (hit points).

The Character Creation section is three sentences! Quick and painless.

There are 10 unique Skills that you can have Basic or Advance training in. Each Skill explains what each level of training does for you.

Combat covers Initiative, Actions, Attacking, how Attacking crits work, how Defending crits work, and what happens when both occur (nothing).

How Recovery occurs is covered in this section.

Character Advancement explains what you can do with 2 to 4 XP.

The Gear section gives you a pretty good list of useful supplies.

Powers is next, they require a Mind roll to use and there ways to modify them. There are 9 to choose from and they cover a great deal of special effects.

The final section is Optional Rules, which cover Point Buy Stats, using points to increase the amount of Coins you have, the major Fantasy races, and critical failures in combat.

The Introduction to the GM's Guide welcomes you to the rules.

Resolving actions covers what Stat to roll, Teamwork, Long Tasks, and Narrative Combat.

Heroism and Experience! explains how to hand out Heroism and how much XP to give out at the end of a game.

Hazards covers spot rules for various dangers and effects an Adventurer will face.

Personalizing the Game! covers examples of Powers, Minons (and how they work), example Relics, specific Items, and Potions.

Next is the Bestiary with plenty of examples of traditional fantasy antagonists, a total of 15.. 

Special Abilities explain how the creatures powers presented in the Bestiary work.

And it's followed on a section explaining how to Customize antagonists.

And that's not all you get. A character sheet and cover are provided and you can print out cards to write up your antagonists on.

All for $1.36!

Buy this NOW!!!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Savage Worlds: Dwarf Race for World of Warcraft


• Backbone of the Alliance: You begin with the Loyal hindrance.

• Curse of the Flesh: You have a -4 to Charisma when dealing with Troggs.

• Frost Resistance: You take 1/2 damage from powers with the Cold/Ice trapping.

• Love of Gold: You begin with the Greedy (Minor) hindrance.

• Might of the Mountain: You gain a +2 to damage when you get a Raise on an attack roll and when using the Healing and Greater Healing powers with the Faith skill.

• Stoneform: You gain a +2 to soak rolls. Additionally, you may spend a Bennie to be cured of poison or disease within 10 minutes of exposure.

Review: Mythic Britain for Mythras/RuneQuest 6

Mythic Britain is a 362 page PDF published by The Design Mechanism, that presents a pseudo-historical setting for Mythras and RuneQuest 6. I've always had an interest in historically inspired settings, its great to use real history as inspiration, and generally there is little needed to familiarize your players to the setting.

The book opens with an Introduction to familiarize yourself with what the book covers.

The First chapter is History and Overview, which opens with a small section on the mythology of the island. 
   Next is Britain and Magic, which explores Druidism, Christianity, and Saxon beliefs and their attitudes toward magic. 
   The Kings, Betrayers section covers the time from the Roman Exodus to the Dark Ages and includes information on Merlin and King Arthur.

The Second chapter is Kingdoms of Mythic Britain, it gives us a detailed look at the lands of Britain in 495 AD. This whole section provides you with what is happening all over the British Isles and is a wonderful tool to inspire events in your campaign.

The Third chapter is Celtic Life and Society, which provides in-depth information to easily immerse yourself in. The culture, customs, and the important Five Aspects of Character are covered.

The Fourth Chapter is Mythic Britain Characters, will help you build your Celtic or Saxon character and the tribe they come from. It essentially translates this information to how Mythras/RQ6 handles background and culture.

The Fifth Chapter is Gods, Religion, and Magic. It opens with Christianity, their saints (with many examples), the structure of it's church (and their priests), and covers Miracles and how a character may use them. 
   Next up are the Celts and their pagan gods and magic,which covers the mortal world, the other world, and the spirit world. Full details of their rites and rituals are disclosed, including using predator spirits to Eat Knowledge.  Then the Old Gods are detailed. 
   An exploration of Druidic Animism and the Spirits of Britain, with Spirit Spells and Sacred Sites provided. The Thirteen Treasures of Britain are given an overview.
   This section concludes with Saxon Gods and Magic. The Aesir are detailed and Saxon magic is presented.

The Sixth Chapter is Britain at War, which discusses the realities and of combat and the units of armies on the British Isles. An abstract mass battle system is detailed, which is designed for role players to resolve large scale engagements and is not a miniature game, which serves me very well. I will use the system provided for this system and as an inspiration for other games, as well.

The Seventh Chapter is Mythic Britons, which details the major characters of history and legend. While stats are provided, the best part of these write-ups is the concise overview with each entry.

The Eight Chapter is The Mythic Britain Campaign, which provides extensive notes and help for a Game Master running in this setting. I felt, even as an experienced GM, that the advice given was useful and well thought out, allowing better immersion into the setting.

The Final Chapters are seven linked adventures, The Winter Council, Bran Galed's Horn, Of Promises Broken, Logres Burning, Gullveig's Children, and Suppose You Time Were Come to Die, which form a well written and intriguing campaign. Personally, the these adventures are worth the price of this book, on their own. 
   Often, as a GM, I have some good ideas, but need focus and additional inspiration, this campaign works just as well for those purposes for me.

I truly recommend Mythic Britain, The Design Mechanism produces high quality products and this is yet another one in their catalog.

Monster Monday: Murlocs for Savage Worlds #MonsterMonday

#Monster Monday


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d4

Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8,

Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 3

Short Sword Str+d6

Special Abilities:
• Aquatic
• Fleet-Footed
• Improved Extraction
• Quick
• Size -1

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Paizo Announces Starfinder!

Paizo just announced Starfinder, a et of rules for Sci-Fi and Science Fantasy that are backwards compatible to Pathfinder.

You can read about it here.

I won't lie, I'm not very excited for this, Pathfinder is way too bloated a rules set for me to run these days, but I wish them luck. I hope they find the genre profitable, but I worry it won't be. 

Although, running a game inspired by Shadowrun with it, is something I'll at least contemplate.

Savage Worlds: Ebonchill for World of Warcraft

This greatstaff was wielded by Alodi, the first Guardian of Tirisfal. He bore the staff into many battles against Legion forces for the century in which he served as Guardian. When stepped down from the role he retained the staff until his death. Upon his passing, the Kirin Tor stored the staff safely away for fear of what might happen if a lesser mage attempted to wield its power without the ability to control it fully.

When wielding Ebonchill, you gain the following benefits:

• You gain a +2 to your Spellcasting skill.

• You gain 10 Power Points.

• When you use the Bolt power, the damage of each bolt is 2d12 and has both the Darkness and Cold trappings. A raise on the Spellcasting roll with a bolt results in the target having a -2 to attack rolls and their movement counting as Difficult Ground on their next action card, in addition to the extra damage.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Savage Worlds: Worgen Race


• Aberration: You take -2 damage from powers with the Acid, Darkness, or Electricity trappings.

• Cursed: You begin with the Bad Luck hindrance.

• Darkflight: You begin with the Fleet-Footed edge.

• Invaded: -4 to Charisma when dealing with the Forsaken.

• Torches and Pitchforks: You begin with the Phobia: Fire (Minor) hindrance.

• Two-Forms: You can control your transformation into a worgen.  Transforming requires an action and a Spirit roll. If Incapacitated, you instantly return to your mortal form. 
You gain the following when you become a worgen:
   • Bite: Str+d4
   • Claws: Str+d6
   • Infection:  Anyone bitten by a worgen who suffers a wound or 
   greater must make a Vigor roll. Failure means the character 
   can become a worgen after 24 hours.

   • Infravision

• Viciousness: When you get a Raise on your attack roll, add +1d8 to the final total, instead of +1d6. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Savage Worlds: Draenei Race


• Decimated: You have a -4 to Charisma when dealing with Orcs.

• Drove Us From Our Home: You have a -4 to Charisma when dealing with Blood Elves.

• Gift of the Nauru: You have 6 power points and learn the Healing power. You use the Medicine skill to cast the Gift of the Nauru.

• Heroic Presence: You begin with a d6 in Agility, Smarts, or Strength.

• Stranger Visitors: You begin with the Outsider hindrance.

• Shadow Resistance: You take 1/2 damage from powers with the Darkness trapping.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Savage Worlds: O'ruuko Worms, Scouts for the Supremacy

The o'ruuko are extradimensional sentient worms that are able to enter the corpse of any human they come across and if the brain is intact and has been dead for less than six hours, they can animate it and access all of it's memories. Once an o'ruuko has taken over a human corpse they allow the body to create slow acting cells that keep the corpse from decomposing.
   The worms act as scouts for an organization they refer to as the Supremacy and are surveying Earth and collecting intelligence. 
There are currently less than 50 operatives in place, but a second, larger wave of scouts are do in the next month. Thus far, the Supremacy views Earth with a great deal of interest.

O'ruuko Scout (Worm)

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d4, 
Vigor d4

Skills: Fighting d4, Stealth d8

Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 2;

Special Abilities 
• Aquatic
• Burrowing
• Slow Regeneration 
• Size -2

O'ruuko Scout (Animating a Human Corpse)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, 
Vigor d8

Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6,
Taunt d6

Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7; Charisma +2

Special Abilities 
• Undead

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Coming This Fall - The Adventurers! Kickstarter from GRAmel

Thanks to a great opportunity by Piotr Koris of GRAmel, you will be seeing more reviews of their products in the next few weeks.

Additionally, Piotr is allowing me to spread the word about their upcoming Adventurers! Kickstarter, which will be launching in October. The coolest part? I'll get to do a review of a preview copy of the game sometime around it's launch.

I've enjoyed all of the GRAmel products I've picked up, Beasts and Barbarians, Adventurers, and of course Rifles of Atlantis and Terror Planet of the Amazon Queen.

I'm very excited to look at more of their line and sharing my thoughts with all of you.

Review: Rifles of Atlantis for Savage Worlds from GRAmel

Rifles of Atlantis is a pulp adventure and mini-setting for Savage Worlds from GRAmel.

The adventure opens with the following:

"August 1940. The Nazi war machine has recently engulfed France and prepares to invade the British Isles, while its Wolf Pack units hunt transports from the New World. On the Pacific, Japan anxiously looks toward the Philippines in preparation for further expansion. The United States struggle to maintain neutrality, despite being harried by Nazi U-Boats. In the midst of the chaos, a single German U-95 submarine loses it’s bearings and stumbles upon an outpost, a remnant of the lost civilization of Atlantis. World War II is about to take a turn for the weird."

Rifles of Atlantis presents four Pregenerated characters who are designed to be easily fit into the adventure, though you can provide your own.

We learn about the various Factions of Atlantis, their leaders, goals, and what they may compromise for, if anything to open up the adventure.

Then the adventure kicks off at a Summit where Atlantis' future will be discussed and moves through seven separate episodes that are filled with action, adventure, opportunities to role play, social interaction, and fun.

We get details on the "super computer" that guides Atlantean life and full stats for enemies and allies.

One of my favorite parts is the Aftermath section, which features options for the future of the setting depending on how the player's resolve things and who comes out on top.

This adventure is an excellent value and can't recommend it enough.

In fact, all of the GRAmel products I've purchase have been top notch!

You can buy the PDF here.

Savage Rifts: Rhinelands Campaign Map and Overview

I don't know exactly when Rifts for Savage Worlds will be out, but I'm already gearing up for  my first game.

The Rhinelands are inspired by where I living in the Greater Cincinnati Area of Cincinnati, OH, Southwestern IN, and Northern KY.

I drew up a map showing my major areas:

Gemini Point and Tarurus are in the ruins of Cincinnati and they controlled by the mysterious Proctors.

Covingtown is controlled by Hunter "Grendel" Rose and his Protoculture Plantation dominates southeast of it. While Covingtown does some river trade, it is a dangerous place filled with mercenaries and the entertainment they enjoy. Rose has close ties to a successful mercenary company, Ryle's Raiders, who are well respected throughout the region.

Aurora does a heavy river trade, and is known for its brewing of whiskey and poisons, and uses Casketeers, a proprietary process to utilize their dead for labor and defense.

Lexingtown has an accord with the Proctors, who sends weekly reports on the happenings of Covingtown to the Council that controls the city. The Stables raise, train, and augment horses for Cyber Knights and other powerful benefactors. The region has gained success by raising food crops and being the home of the widely regarded University, where one can study medicine, science, engineering, agriculture, and even magic. 
   Within the last year, Doctor Victor Von Doom came to the University to offer his services, he then cleared out and took over Castle Post and made it his home. Doom claims to be a powerful ruler, scientific genius, accomplished sorcerer and dimensional traveler. He has appealed to the Council for a seat and has offered to assassinate Hunter Rose, so they can annex Covingtown and it's resources. Doom also claims to have access to powerful allies who would serve them, as an army, for Protoculture.

By the way, if anyone has a map program they recommend, let me know!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Monster Monday: Wulver for Savage Worlds #MonsterMonday


A Wulver has been described by witnesses as an unusually large (2–4 feet tall on all fours, 7 feet tall standing up) intelligent wolf-like creature apt to walk on its hind legs and weighing 400-700 pounds. Its fur is a brown gray color resembling a dog or bear.

Wild Card
Attributes : Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, 
 Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Tracking d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8
Special Abilities
 Bite: Str+d6.
 Fleet-Footed: Roll a d10 when running instead of a d6.
 Go for the Throat: Wulvers instinctively go for an opponent's soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target's most weakly armored location. 
 Size +2: Wulvers are 7' tall when standing upright.

The Class Hack 2: Eclectic Boogaloo for The Black hack is LIVE on OneBookShelf.com!

Are you a fan of David Black's The Black Hack?

Did you happen to enjoy The Class Hack and the The Race Hack?

THE CLASS HACK 2: ECLECTIC BOOGALOO presents 15 Additional Traditional and Racial Classes.

Part One presents Traditional Classes: Animator, Blackguard, Commander, Jester, Kensai, Knight, Psionicist, Samurai, Thaumaturgist, and Witch for you to play.

Part Two presents Racial Classes: Drake, Gnome, Half-Orc, and Tiefling for you to play, as well.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Review: Classic Fantasy for Mythras and RuneQuest 6 by The Design Mechanism

Years ago, I remember purchasing a Chaosium Monograph with a similar name to The Design Mechanism's Classic Fantasy. I think it cost about what TDM is charging. However, that's where the comparison ends. If you are looking to run or play RuneQuest 6 or Mythras (TDM's renamed version of RQ6) in the vein of Dungeons and Dragons or other OSR games, this is the book for you.

Classic Fantasy is beautifully laid out and well written. It easily takes the tropes of Dungeon Crawling heroic fantasy and seamlessly integrates them into Mythras/RQ6.

Chapter 1 is an overview of character creation that covers your concept, to methods of generating Characteristics, calculating Attributes, figuring out the number of points for Standard Skills, choosing your Race and the Culture you come from, filling in your Background, picking a Class, assigning Bonus Skill Points (a base of 100 for new characters or more for experienced characters), determining money and equipment, and choosing a name (what I’ve found can be the hardest part for  some players).

Chapter 2 focus on Race and Culture. It lists the requisite skills for each class and fills out specifics of each Race (Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half- Elf, Half-Orc, and Human).  Different types of Human Cultures and their passions are defined in a way reminiscent of Mythras/RQ6. Each demi-human race and it’s culture are defined, as well.  Either way, specific racial/cultural Skills are provided for your character and a sense of community and history is baked into your decision.
   For those not familiar with Passions, they round out the beliefs and motivations of a character and provide a deeper role playing experience. Additionally, in Classic Fantasy, each player chooses a Moral Philosophy which represents DnD’s Alignments, though limited to Good, Neutral, or Evil.

Chapter 3 introduces you to and breaks down the Classes in the game (Arcane and Druidic Bard, Berserker, Cavalier, Cleric,  Druid, Figher, Magic-User, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Thief-Acrobat and rules for Multi-Classing. However, the approach to each honors the roots of Basic Role Playing and RuneQuest by being an archetype with specific requirements and not a cookie cutter approach. The reader is introduced to a character’s Rank, which is how Classic Fantasy handles Level and the system reminds me of how one advances in Cults. Essentially the Ranks are from 0 to 5 and a character achieves a new rank when five to two Skills grow to a specific Percentage.
   Each Class explains what type of Spells, if any, you have access to (and your Rank control what Spells you may cast) and have certain Skill bonuses, Fighting Styles, and Talents that you may learn. Some Talents only become available at certain Ranks.
   The whole system is inspired by “Class and Level” games, but retains the spirt of RuneQuest and BRP.  Additionally, I found the Classes often cleave closer to a more “Old School” mentality and their original inspirations, which was a feature for me.

Chapter 4 goes over the Skills used in Classic Fantasy.

Chapter 5 lists out all of the mundane tools necessary for a life of adventure and their costs.

Chapter 6 goes over the rules of Classic Fantasy, and calls out which rules have been reprinted (Acid and Passions), which have been adjusted (Aging, Character Improvement, Falling, Fires, and Luck Points) and introduces new rules.
   The new rules covered are Disease and Poison, Locked or Stuck Doors, Recovering Spent Ammunition, Repairing Weapons and Armor, Searching Rooms and Secret and Concealed Doors, Securing a Door, Tight Places, Traps, Visibility Underground, and Where to Rest and Recover. These updates and additions round out the typical activities of the adventurous life of Dungeon Crawling.

Chapter 7 covers Combat, with the following rules changes (Movement, Initiative, Combat Styles, Weapon Choices, Combat Style Benefits, Examples of Combat Style Traits) and Tactical Combat using Miniatures.
   The Miniatures Tactical Combat walks you through all of the phases of combat, your options for actions, tactical movement, basic engagement rules, advanced engagement rules, 
moving on a battlemat (with options for 5 or 10 foot squares), engagement zone (essentially how to handle larger creatures), ranged combat considerations, and an example combat.
   Basically, this chapter adjusts playing Mythras/RQ6 with a a grid and can be as detailed as DnD 4E, if that is your goal.

Chapter 8 details Magic, both Arcane and Divine, Magic Point Usage and Recovery and Memorizing Spells.
   After Magic Points are used, they recovery while your character rests or twice as fast while they sleep.
   We learn that Arcane Casters need two Skills: Arcane Casting and Arcane Knowledge and Divine Caster also need two: Channel and Piety for a specific deity.
   Next each Classes’ Starting Spells are detailed for us, and then the rules for Memorizing Spells are presented. A character may know a spell, but unless you Memorize it, you can’t cast it that day. Spells of lower Ranks are easier to Memorize and take up “less space” (except for Paladins and Rangers who learn to at higher Ranks).
   Spell Duels get a special section and then we learn the different ways that Arcane and Divine Casters Memorize spells,  how they cast their Magic, and what happens if interrupted.
   Other rules presented include Casting in Armor, Casting Time, Casting Cost, Magic Cost and Caster Rank, Dismissing One’s own Magic, 
Casting a Non-Memorized Spells (essentally as a longer ritual for Arcane Casters or a “God Call” for a Divine Caster) and Stacking Magic.
   Next is an explanation of how Spells work, their Traits, Resisting them, Dispelling them, and Enduring the cost of spending Magic Points for Spells.
   Special rules are presented for Illusions, Phantasms, and Scrolls (how to cast from them and how to defend against them) to finish the chapter,

Chapter 9 lists all of the Arcane Spells by Rank and introduces Cantrips.  Cantrips are Rank 0 spells, several are be available to be cast without being Memorized.  Csntripst are basic spells that cost 1 Magic Point and can be cast in 1 Action.  All of the classic DnD Spells are presented and represent the genre very well.

Chapter 10 lists all of the Divine Spells by Rank, but Cantrip are not available to Divine Casters. However, reference is made to a future supplement, Classic Fantasy Unearthed Companion, introducing mores spells beyond Rank 5. Again, you can easily match the Dungeon Crawling genre with the Spells presented.

Chapter 11 gives us all of the classic monsters we love to populate dungeons with in the Mythras/RQ6 format we’ve grown to love.

Chapter 12 gives Treasure Tables and Magic Items for characters to find and use. As a note, I really like how easy these tables are to use and will probably consult them even when I’m not running Classic Fantasy. I also appreciate that we get rules for buying and selling Magic Items and even Magic Shops (with tables based on the size of the city/town your character is in). Additionally, we get tables for the availability of Magic Items based on Guilds and what they charge for other services. 
   I’m a big fan of the random Magic Items’ presentation, because they are well thought out, presented by Rank, and a breeze to use. 
   Finally, all the Magic Items we’ve come to expect are presented for Mythras/RQ6.

Chapter 13 introduces to the Cosmology by going over the various Planes (inspired by ADnD 1st Edition) that your character can either travel to or interact with, as well as the Deities of Greymoor.

An Appendix is presented with Wandering Monster Tables refined by frequency of encounters and what Level in a Dungeon you would find them.

Essentially, you have everything you need to run a dungeon crawl in the tradition of DnD with RQ6/Mythras.

Go buy this book right now, I cannot recommend it enough.

Hard Times In Jarlsburg: Zorceries, An Archmages's Musings

The tome, Zorceries, is the collected theories on Wizardry penned by the archmage, Zen Zao Zing, over the course of her long, long life.

While many nefarious personalities claimed responsibility for Zing's demise over a decade ago, the truth is far more ridiculous.  Zen Zao Zing was playing in a poker game with several other potent Magic Users--Klute of Hung, Quagnar Ra, Lady Agatha Bronte, and the demigod Clea Thunderstone. Zing lost badly to Clea, and bet the demigod double or nothing that if imprisoned within her own grimoire that she could escape.

Clea took the bet and Zing is now imprisoned within Zorceries, which currently sits on the shelves of The Gilded Scroll which may be found on High Street in Jarlsburg. She's been working to escape for fourteen years.

Whenever someone with the Spellcasting skill reads Zorceries for an hour or more, they must make a Notice roll. On a raise, they become aware of Zen Zao Zing trying to get their attention by manipulating the words on the page. The archmage will instruct them on how to free her, a ritual that requires 15 gp worth of material and the eyetooth of a mimic.

If someone with the Spellcasting skill finishes reading Zorceries and they learn or know the Dispel power, they may cast it for 2 Power Points, instead of 3.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Savage Worlds: War Priest Professional Edge [UPDATED]

War Priest
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Miracles), Strength d8+, Faith d8+, Fighting d6+
   You are devoted to the God of War and your sacred studies and rites have forged you into a living weapon.
   Once per round, a War Priest may spend 3 Power Points to make a Fighting attack as a free action, even if he has already attacked with that weapon this round. As the attack is a free action, it does not incur any multi-action penalty.

A big thanks to +Richard Woodcock for input on phrasing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Class Hack 2 Preview: Kensai for The Black Hack


Starting HP : d10 + 4
HP Per Level/Resting : 1d10
Weapons & Armor : Any and All 
Attack Damage : 1d8 / 1d6 Unarmed or

Attack Damage is 1d10 with one specific type of 

As part of their action a Bushi can make 1
attack per level. 

     Rolls with Advantage on initiative.
Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for 


Savage Worlds: Calico Dan of Lankhmar

The Beggar's Guild is well known for having some of the best information in the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, and one of their best sources of information is Calico Dan. He can usually be found at one of three locations: Panoply Street, Blind Alley, or Milk Alley. Where you find Dan, you will find cats, and lots of them.

Calico Dan was born with the ability to talk with and understand cats. At a young age, he became so reliant on them that he found he preferred them to the filthy people who make Lankhmar their home. Fortunately, he crossed paths with Smiling Robey, the current Master of the Beggar's  Guild, who was smart enough to see Dan's potential. So now Calico has his cats keep tabs numerous subjects and report back to him.

Very few are aware of Calico Dan's gifts and Smiling Robey intends to keep it that way, which is just the way Dan likes it.


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d4, 
                    Vigor d6

Skills: Knowledge (Cats) d10, Notice d10, Streetwise d10

Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5

Special Abilities 
• Calico Dan can speak with and understand cats
• He is always accompanied by 3d6 Small Cats

Adventure Hook

A powerful merchant from Ilthmar has trumped up murder charges against Smiling Robey, and because the player's owe him a favor, he reveals Calico Dan's talent to them in hopes of proving his innocence.

But Calico Dan and his cats aren't fond of strangers and will need the player's to prove their trustworthiness by stealing some fresh fish from Violet Dumont, a prosperous fishmonger and slaver who works the docks.

Can they win Dan's trust? Will the end up traded as slaves? Will Robey hang before they prove his innocence?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Savage Worlds: Space Ghost

My day job is running Comic Book World (two locations in KY). As I was checking in our comics shipment before it goes on sale on Wednesday, I took a peak at Future Quest #1.

For those that don't know Future Quest #1 is DC Comics attempt to unite all of the Hana-Barbar Superheroes, like Johnny Quest, Space Ghost, Birdman, Herculoids, and more.  At the ripe age of 43, I'm pretty happy for some fun and intelligent stories that remind me of my days as a kid and this first issue looks like it will be a winner.

So here's Space Ghost for Savage Worlds.

Wild Card

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d10

Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Piloting d10, Shooting d10,

Pace: 6 (d10 running); Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (3)

Inviso-Belt Grants Invisibility with the Phase Modifier

Power Bands x2
Range 12/24/48   
Damage 1-3d6  
RoF 1   
Trappings Cold/Ice, Fire/Heat

Special Abilities 
Armor (3) Force Field
• Command
• Flight Pace of 20 in space; Pace of 15 in atmosphere
• Natural Leader

The Old Word: Skaven Stormvermin for 13th Age

Stormvermin are larger than normal Skaven, and tend to have black or near black fur. They are hand-picked by Skaven Warlords for the Stormvermin units, and are then given better armour and weaponry. Stormvermin units are also commonly used as bodyguards for high-ranking Skaven such as Grey Seers and Warlords.

The Stormvermin are well known for their size and fur coloring, as most skaven picked to be Stormvermin have been known to dye their fur black.


6th level [HUMANOID] 
Initiative: +4

Imposing +11 vs. AC -21 damage
        Natural Roll of 16+: 2d6 additional damage 

Protector +9 vs AC  - 15 damage
       Natural Even Roll: One nearby ally of the stormvermin adds 
                                      the escalation die to their AC and PD

Nastier Specials
Large +11 vs. PD - 25 damage

AC 22

PD  20              HP 90

MD 16

Monday, May 16, 2016

Savage Worlds: The Black Skull of Lankhmar

After running the adventure in the Savage Worlds of Lankhmar Test Drive, I started thinking about the Black Skull that was so wanted by the Guildmaster and the Wizard, here's what I came up with:

The Death's Head Parliament are the spirits of Fiorello the Wise (the White Skull), Brossia the Fiery (the Red Skull), and Dia the Grim (the Black Skull), sages and wizards of the ancient world that have been bound to their skulls. For centuries the Parliament was housed within the Library of Kem and where the wisest and most powerful would pay handsome sums for their advice.

However, nearly sixty years ago, a mercenary army led by General Nigel Skeine sacked the Library. To the General's frustration, the Black Skull and the Red Skull were missing.

The Black Skull 

Dia the Grim was a potent black magician and an expert on history, diplomacy, poison, and botany. 

While wielding the Black Skull:

• You gain Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Poison), and Knowledge (Botany) all at a d12. Additionally, you Charisma is +2.

• You have acces to the following powers: Drain Power Points, Fear, Havoc, and Zombie. All have the necromancy Trapping.

Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.