Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Savage Worlds: Skull Crawler

I really enjoyed the final Kong: Skull Island Trailer :)

Skullcrawlers are large reptilian creatures with only two long forelimbs and no hindlimbs, as well as long, prehensile, serpentine tails. Several aspects of their appearance are noticeably skeletal, particularly their torsos and their heads.

Their heads closely resemble those of Mosasaurs such as Tylosaurus, and their jaws possess two rows of serrated, razor-sharp teeth. The Skullcrawlers have four digits in total of each hand, with the thumb being the smallest digit and the rest of the digits being larger and of the same size. Additionally, they have long, prehensile triple-forked tongues that they can use to grab their prey.

They are subterranean pack-hunting predators with insatiable appetites that are caused by their heightened metabolisms.

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+4,
Vigor d12+6

Fighting d12, Climbing d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8

Pace: 12; Parry: 8; Toughness: 27 (3) Heavy Armor

Special Abilities:

• Teeth/Claws Str+1d10 Heavy Damage
• Heavy Armor 3
• Burrowing
• Fear -2
• Gargantuan
• Infravision
• First Strike
• Infravision
• Size +10

Monday, February 27, 2017

Savage Worlds: Sentinel Beast

Sentinel beasts are primarily found in the Stele Forest, over 2,000 acres of tombs and mausoleums from an long dead civilization. Typically, tribes or watches of sentinel beats, maintain specific territories amongst the Stele. They usually hang onto the side or perch on top of a Stele and their natural camouflage ability keeps them hidden from many explorers and predators. 

Sentinel beasts feed upon the lichen that grow on the Stele, but will attack anything it deems a threat to it's Stele. The rest of the watch will join in this attack, as well.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d10,
Vigor d8

Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Invisibility d10, Notice d12

Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6

Special Abilities:

• Unarmed Str+1d4
• First Strike
• Infravision
• Sweep
• Wall Walker
• Invisibility At will, only while remaining still

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Review: NeuroSpasta for Ultramodern5 & Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition

I'm a big fan of Dias Ex Machina's Ultramodern5 rules and was glad to see NeuroSpasta released. 

Full disclosure I was given a PDF for review purposes.

Chapter 1 introduces to the setting of the game as a political cyberpunk setting. It features a glossary of terms in the setting and a timeline starting at 2025 and ending at 2055.
   A summary of new rules are presented, introducing the Computer Use and Engineering skills, changes to Healing Kits, repairing tech, and hacking rules (the setting refers to it as "diving").

Chapter 2 introduces new races and backgrounds. Nugenics are genetically manipulated for a more perfect human.
   Prosthetics have had their brain transferred to a synthetic cybernetic body that looks human.
   True-Borns are traditional humans and comprise 95% of the settings population.
   Virtuants are artificial intelligences that can inhabit a body that closely resembles a human.
   Fifteen new backgrounds are introduced and range from setting specific (Lunarian) to more general (Ex-Mercenary). 

 Chapter 3 introduces the Freediver class that focuses on manipulating the true internet and anything or anyone connected to it. There is no cyberspace or a matrix to jack into, there is simply an overlay of reality that you can manipulate. You can hack a mind as well as a server. 
   Dive talents are skills you know how to use that do no require equipment. They function like spells, but do not need to be prepared in advance, you can use any talent as long as you still have uses per day remaining and are the appropriate level. Hot-Keys are the at-will counterparts to cantrips.
  Two new Archetypes are presented, Black Hat, White Hat, Gray Hat (you focus on diving computer systems) and Dominator (you focus on diving the human mind).

Chapter 4 focuses on gear ranging from robotics, cybernetics, SEEDs (neural interface devices used by divers), Firewalls (which protect servers and the human mind and are the "AC" for Freedivers to have to break), and contacts for players to have.

Chapter 5 features Programs for your SEED to use and covers copying them, pirating them, designing them, installing them.
   A huge list is provided and allow you to customize your SEED and grant you specific benefits depending on the situation. In many ways, I view them as counterpoints to magic items that further customize the diving experience.

Chapter 6 are the opponents specific to NeuroSpasta you can meet and features tactical battle armor, robots, heavy powered armor, cyborgs, factions, as well as servers and freedivers to either dive against or prevent being dived by. I find the entries generic enough to be used in other ultramodern or futuristic settings and they provided good context for NeuroSpasta.

Chapter 7 gives us the full setting and it's history. Organizations like UNPK who are peacekeepers for the UN are provided, as well as information on languages, religion, and urban life.
   Threats such as the Concord (who endorse a future without a unifying government) and Lupus Kanti (a Russian military contractor) provide ample information for stories.

Chapter 8 opens by helping to define NeuroSpasta as both a genre and a setting and discusses how it related to SF and how to tell the stories you want. An adventure, Dreams of Man is provided for 4-5th level players. I fell the adventure allows a GM to be up and running with little prep and greatly appreciate that.

Pros cybernetics and hacking for UA5 and DnD 5 are welcome. If you like UA5, NeuroSpasta is a great expansion.

Cons freediving is unexpected, but I welcome the broader approach to "hacking".

My Advice buy this book if you enjoy 5E or UA and want SF/Cyberpunk rules.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Silent Legions: Hound of Tindalos

HOUND OF TINDALOS for Silent Legions

AC: 4
HD: 3
Atks: bite/claw x2 +6
Skill: +4
Special: Immaterial
Move: 60'
Morale: 10
Dmg: 1d6/1d4 x2
Madness: 1d6+2
Save: 15+

"They are lean and athirst!" he shrieked... "All the evil in the universe was concentrated in their lean, hungry bodies. Or had they bodies? I saw them only for a moment, I cannot be certain."
—Frank Belknap Long, "The Hounds of Tindalos"

If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Patreon: Cross Planes Chronicle for February 2017

My Patrons PDF compilation for February has been posted.

This month that PDF compilation, which I'm calling the Cross Planes Chronicle, features the Old World's Lizard Men for 13th Age.  I am only asking for $1 a month and my content will always be free here, I just wanted to give my Patrons something extra as way to say Thank You!  

The Chronicle PDFs will eventually become public, but I haven't decided what the lead time will be yet, though it will be a minimum of 60 days.

Wether you are a Patron or Viewer, I deeply appreciate your time her on Cross Planes.

If this moves you to become a Patron, I deeply appreciate that as well.

Savage Worlds: Anathema

Anathema's are monstrous beings from the 8th Dimension who occasionally find their way into our reality. Their horrid forms frighten the weak minded and their only motivation seems to be wanton destruction.

Wild Card
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d12,
Vigor d10

Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d10

Pace: 10; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9 (2)

Special Abilities:

• Tentacles Str+1d8
• Armor 2
• Fear -1
• Improved Block 
• Improved First Strike
• Improved Level Headed
• Improved Sweep

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ultramodern5: Thanomorph

A thanomorph is created when an extraterrestrial organism is introduced to a corpse. After an incubation period of several hours (1d12), the organism bonds with the corpse, reshapes the dead tissue and resurrects it. 

Medium aberration, chaotic evil

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 42 (5d8+20) 
Speed 35 ft.
   Str            Dex         Con           Int         Wis         Cha
16 (+3)        17 (+3)        18 (+4)        11 (+1)      13 (+1)      7 (-2)

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3, Stealth +5
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages None
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Horrific. The first time a creature sees a thanomorph, they must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure the creature can not use bonus actions or reactions until beginning of it's next round.



Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. 
Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes at Patreon.)

Friday, February 17, 2017

Back This: Freeport Companion for Shadow of the Demon Lord

On March 1st Schwalb Entertainment will run a Kickstarter to fund the production costs of the Freeport Companion (to Green Ronin's Pirate Setting) for Shadow of the Demon Lord.  The book is already written.

Stretch goals will include:

All get PDFs of the original Freeport Trilogy for use with Shadow of the Demon Lord and updated with all new art. Beyond the World’s Edge, a supplement that explores new lands and civilizations, Tales of the Pirate Isles, a trilogy of nautical themed adventures, and, the Demon Lord’s Companion 2, a book that will add even more options to the game.

Shadow of the Demon Lord is the one game I buy everything for and if you haven't tried it yet, do it right now.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Shadow of the Demon Lord: Brimstone Boar

Brimstone Boars are what happens when the Demon Lord's shadow falls upon a Hell Swine. Their hunger knows no bounds and they will hunt until the world dies.

Size 3 monster
Perception 12 (+2); darksight
Defense 18; Health 100
Strength 18 (+8)   Agility 13 (+3)   Intellect 8 (-2)   Will 14 (+4)
Speed 16
Ferocious When a brimstone boar would become incapacitated, roll a d6. On a roll of 3-6, the boar instead heals 10 damage.

Maul (melee) +8 with 2 boons (4d6)

Breath Brimstone (short range) +3 with 2 boons (2d6)

Brimstone Rebuke When the brimstone boar takes damage, it can use a triggered action to attack a randomly determined creature with its brimstone breath.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ultramodern5: Red Falcon S.H.O.C.K. Trooper

S.H.O.C.K. Troopers are androids designed and developed by Red Falcon second-in-command Gomera Mosking. She prefers them to low-level minions and suicide bombers, because if a mistake occurs and they are captured, being cut off from the Red Falcom network will automatically melt their CPU.

Medium construct, lawful evil

Armor Class 14 (ballistics armor)
Hit Points 13 (2d8+4) 
Speed 40 ft.
   Str            Dex         Con           Int         Wis         Cha
18 (+4)        12 (+1)        15 (+2)        10 (+0)      14 (+1)      8 (-1)

Skills Athletics +6, Perception +3, Stealth +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Any
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)


Suicide Bomber. When a S.H.O.C.K. trooper reaches 0 hit points, it explodes, and all creatures within 20 ft. must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure a creature takes 1d8 piercing damage or 1/2 damage on a successful save.



Finger Laser. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 200/800 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) fire; AP; laser; reload (20-M)

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes at Patreon.)

Other Dust: Moks

Playing a Mok requires spending 3 Mutation Points for the following adjustments:

+2 to Strength
+2 to Constitution
Stigmata: Mok Appearance
Flaw: Cannot speak the Common Tongue

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ultramodern5: Red Falcon

In 1987, an extraterrestrial vessel crash-landed in Nicaragua with only three survivors, Jagger Froid, Gomera Mosking, and Java. The beings, all shape shifters, were able to blend in and extensively reconnoiter the region for two years, due to the backdrop of the Contras revolution agains the Sandinistas.
   Additionally, Mosking made contacts within the United States' C.I.A., which led to several exchanges with the U.S.'s Military-Industrial Complex, where the survivors offered advances weapon technology in exchange for various clearances, visas, and funding.

   By 1992, the three beings had fully created the Red Falcon terrorist organization and had recruited over 500 members from mercenary units and anti-government militias all over the world.
   Red Falcon focused on various brushfire wars and managed to stay off the radar for most of the 90's due to having operatives within the United Nations, several of whom sat on the Permanent Security Council.

   Their overall goal, as a terrorists organization, could not be deciphered by those who did notice them. This is because Froid, the de facto leader, was manipulating events to create a dark future, dominated by a worldwide fascist government. Their attacks were targeted at key historical moments that were calculated to best resolver their goal. The trio were not merely extraterrestrials, they had failed to conquer the world of 2633 and resolved to head 700 years back in time to change history. However, as the only surivors of the original invasion, the crash had rendered they technological superiority useless and they now required the funding, army, and development of the weapons they would require. 
   By 1999, they had taken a portion of their operations public, with the creation of Crimson Lake, a leading private security firm funded by numerous international contracts. In fact, it was common for individuals on both sides of a conflict to employ their teams.

   In 2015, Red Falcon, having the full means and technology it required, entered Stage 2 of their plan. They orchestrated major attacks throughout the year in Paris, Berlin, Rome, and the United States. Froid, introduced the world fully to his organization and his new identity as the Falconer. Reports by the media of "dragons" being present at the attacks have been debunked. The goal of each attack was to facilitate movements by each country toward policies and candidates for leadership focused upon Nationalism. While several more attacks have occurred in 2016 and early 2017, their plan seems to be working and their placement of agents within the intelligence community is actively keeping them from being discovered.

Red Falcon is a powerful, dangerous, and methodical operation. Their goal is a worldwide oligarchy with the three of them running the show.

   Jagger Froid is a calm and methodical being, with restraint and a view of the "long game". Both Java and Mosking actually fear their leader, but trust Jagger to achieve their goals. Froid was the third-in-command of the original invasion and is a veteran of several other interstellar wars. He has cultivated the identity of Jefferson Culpepper, an African-American engineer and entrepreneur who has made a majority of his funds through solar technology and independent space travel through his company, Gambit, Inc.

   Gomera Mosking is a brilliant programmer, software engineer and expert on artificial intelligence who has created the identity of Kara Wong, the high-profile CTO of New Edison, Inc. She came to the public eye as a supermodel who married Clayton Bean, a member of the New Edison's board. She arose to CTO after Red Falcon targeted a New Edison board meeting in Berlin in 2015. She was able to use her public sympathy and charisma to earn the position.

  Java is a tactical genius, who loves a good fight. He spends most of his time training RF agents and directly coordinating it's logistics. While he has cultivated several identities, he prefers to remain behind the scenes and usually wears the shape of a caucasian male. In combat, he has a penchant for shapeshifting into various alien shapes, explaining the rumors of "dragons" at the attacks in France and Italy. 


Savage Worlds: Svetocher

Svetochers are the tortured and horrific offspring of vampires and humans. While some legends recount the dhampir, these monsters are much more common to be born by ripping their way out of their mother's womb and to stalk their homeland until a hunter is brave or lucky enough to destroy them.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d10,
Vigor d10

Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6

Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (3)

Special Abilities:

• Fangs/Claws Str+1d6
• Arcane Resistance
• Armor 3
• Berserk
• Combat Reflexes
• Fear -2
• Flight Svetochers have a Flying pace of 12" and a Climb of 4".

• Improved Dodge

Monday, February 13, 2017

Review: Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of

Full Disclosure: I was given a PDF copy of Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of to review by Modiphius Entertainment.

Marvel Comics' Conan was one of the earliest comics I ever bought. To this day, Roy Thomas and John Buscema, in may ways, define Conan for me. After discovering Robert E. Howard's connection to the Cthulhu Mythos, I finally started reading the original stories and have grown to love them. I've watched the films and even the cartoons. I remember when I got my Wonder Bread He-Man with the black hair and finally noticing that the whole line had a Conan vibe. And lastly, but probably most importantly, Cross Planes is named after Howard's home town of Cross Plains, TX. So yeah, I'm a Conan fan.

The book opens with a beautiful map of the Hyborian Age and a separate PDF of it is included.

Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of is gorgeous, lovingly laid out, with crisp graphic design. You can tell the team loved this job and loves the source material. I particularly appreciated the color scheme of the entire book and it has some of the best art I've seen in a game book, much of it by well known comic artists.

Forward and Introduction 1: The team shares their love of Howard and Conan and fill in some facts about the man and his creation.

Chapter 1: Covers those new to Role Playing and what they will need. While it's not something I need, I can see new players and GM's being drawn to this property.

Chapter 2: Covers creating a Character, which is a fairly in-depth life path system that connects you to the Hyborian Age. 
   You will choose a Homeland, Attributes, Caste, Story, Archetype, Nature, Education, and War Story.  Each choice provides the ability to increase Attributes, add Talents and Skills, and define Traits that allow you gain Fortune Points as you play.
   The Attributes are Agility, Awareness, Brawn, Coordination, Intelligence, Personality, Willpower with Vigor (physical Hit Points), Resolve (mental Hit Points), and Gold.
   A nice section on Hyborian names by Region is presented and options for a random table-based Character Creation method and a method for "larger than life" characters finish the chapter.
   I'm a big fan of life path systems and I think this decision connects your to Conan's world and was a sensible path to take.

Chapter 3: Introduces the Skills of the game and their individual Talent Trees. Fortune Talents are also presented in this chapter.
   Skills have both an Expertise, which adds to the appropriate Attribute and a Focus, which creates the opportunity to score additional Success' on a roll. 
   I like that Talents are tied to Skills, I think that ties the system together and keeps a new mechanic very relatable and easy to learn.

Chapter 4: The core mechanic of the game is to choose the appropriate Attribute for a Task, add any Skill Expertise that might apply and attempt to roll equal to less than the total on 2d20 (certain Talents or Momentum may increase the number of d20 by up to 3 for a max of 5d20). Each die that does this is a Success, and if any of the die are equal to less than your skill Focus, each count as an additional Success. 
   E.G., So if Conn, is striking with his sword, he would roll Agility (11) + Melee (Expertise 2, Focus 2). He rolls 2d20 and gets a 2 and 9, for a total of 3 Successes.
   The number of Success are compared to a Difficulty with a range of 0 to 5, generally set by the GM. If you have less Successes than the Difficulty your fail (but the rules want you to "fail forward"), if you equal the Difficulty you succeed, however if you exceed the Difficulty you generate Momentum equal to the difference.
   Momentum can be spent on that task or pooled for later use by the entire group. It can be spent to add d20's to a roll on a 1 for 1 basis, increase a target's Difficulty on a 1 for 1 basis, obtain information, improve the quality of success (including damage),  increase the scope of success, or reduce the time required to perform something.
   The main mechanic is very easy to learn and yet has the mechanic depth to be interesting and expanded. Momentum takes a bit to learn and can easily be brought into the game slowly, as the group learns it.

Chapter 5: Features the basics of combat, how many actions you get (a single Standard and Minor, plus any number of Free actions), and movement and range, which are handled by Zones and is designed to be Theater of the Mind.
  Weapon damage dice are d6's where a 1 counts a 1 damage, a 2 counts as 2 damage, a 3 and a 4 count as 0 damage, and a 5 and a 6 count as 1 damage with an effect generally added by weapon or Talent. The dice are added together and compared to a character's Armor, which provides a static soak number the reduces damage) and possibly a dice value such as cover or moral.  If any damage is left it reduced from Vigor for physical attacks or Resolve for mental attacks, as Stress. If there is 5+ Stress than the character takes 1 Harm for each 5 Stress. If a character has 4 or more Harm of 1 type, they are incapacitated.
  Displays are techniques for warriors to intimidate and inflict mental damage on their enemies. I think it's inclusion sets the game apart and is appropriate to the world.
  Various Conditions and diseases are covered here.
   And finally riding animals and an example Action Scene round out the chapter.
   While reading through combat has taken me several times, I think it's nice hybrid of Hit Points and Wounds and would make sense after a few fights, at most.

Chapter 6: Is the obligatory Equipment chapter and what I found most compelling were the qualities that could be activated on a roll a 5 or 6 on the damage die. There are also rules for layering armor, which I think perfectly captures the setting.

Chapter 7: Features Sorcery and it's treatment is very dark and costly. The further one travels down the Sorcerer Talent Tree, the more is required for them to give up, including their soul. Sorcery is as much about cunning, alchemy, persuasion, and even handling animals as it is about spells.
   Petty Enchantments are items such as blinding powder or talismans and are very rich in detail.
   Patronage is also required for a Sorcery to gain real power.
   The Spells provided are not DnD spells, but things like Astral Wandering, Summon a Horror, or Dismember a foe. All spells have a consequence and the more powerful you become the more damned you become. 
   In other words, its Hyborian magic.

Chapter 8: The Hyborian World is covered in good detail and enough information is provided for a GM who has no real experience with Howard's works. 

Chapter 9: Lays out the GM's job and provides advice, it also lays out the Doom pool, which a player can add to if they are out of Momentum and need a boost. Doom is a tool of the GM, just as Momentum is a tool for the Players.
  A section detailing things that make a Conan adventure distinct form other genres is required reading and helps the GM keep things in focus for this world.
   Additionally, a section for life between adventures and experience and gameplay rewards round out the chapter.

Chapter 10: Feature antagonists and encounter design. We learn about minions, toughened foes, and nemesis. Minions go down quick, toughened foes are harder, and a nemesis is a big bad.
   A good selection of mundane and horrific foes is included for the GM to use.
  Characters of renown from Conan's world round this chapter out.

Chapter 11: Vultures of Shem is an introductory battle that pits the player's against ghouls and worse, human foes. It felt like it belonged in the Hyborian World and it's refreshing to have a intro adventure to mine for tone, even if you choose not to run it.

Chapter 12: Defines heroes of the Age for use in your games. Prominent figures that your players may come across.

An index is provided and the pdf is fully bookmarked.

Pros: Strong writing, gorgeous layout, and a passion for the setting make the book indispensable for an existing Conan fan and a good introduction for new players. Character generation is filled with flavor and the game's engine is very elegant and intuitive.

Cons: Character creation is more involved than most games and damage takes to time to grasp. Momentum and Doom are complexities that can be introduced slowly. Magic is very different from most fantasy RPGs and could be turn-off, but captures the setting.

My advice: Buy this book if love Conan or if you are looking for a game system that is geared to skills and not classes. I can see it being a very attractive to groups who like elements of Savage Worlds and BRP. If you loved Mongoose's Conan for d20 (which I do), this book puts it to shame.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

FATE Accelerated: Two Column FATE Brainstorming

I've recently discovered Two Column FATE and am experimenting with it.

For a DnD game:


For a World of Darkness game:



For a WitchCraft game:



For a TMNT game:
Physical Strength
Physical Prowess
Physical Endurance
Mental Endurance
Mental Affinity

Martial Arts



Silent Legions: Bender's Men In Black

MEN IN BLACK for Silent Legions

AC: 6
HD: 3
Atks: wpn +4
Skill: +3
Special: Radioactive
Move: 40'
Morale: 9
Dmg: wpn
Madness: 1d6
Save: 14+

   Enemies of the Men In Black risk being exposed to a strange form of radiation that degrades their health. Being touched by one or remaining near one for more than a minute forces a Physical Effect save. On a failure, the victim’s Constitution score decreases by one point. Only one point of attribute loss inflicted in a given encounter will return over the next month.

 Albert Bender revealed the Men In Black to the World, but they were no government agents, they manifested in his bedroom, late at night, amid an overpowering stench of brimstone. They had bright shining eyes and oozed menace. On top of that, Bender’s health was dramatically affected (in a bad way, I should stress) by his hat-wearing visitors of the night.

If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Fantastic Heroes and Witchery: Verboten Saboteur


 for Fantastic Heroes and Witchery

Frequency: Rare
No. Encountered: 1d4
Size: Medium
Move: 12" (30 feet) 
Armour Class: 6 (AC 13)
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 1
Damage: by weapon 
Special Attacks: 2nd Level Occultist
Special Defences: None
Magic Resistance: 
Lair Probability: 40%
Intelligence: Average to Very
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Level / XP: 2 / 30+2/hp
Treasure: None
BtH: +0
Save: 15

   The Verboten are a secret society made up exclusively of tieflings. Most of the members have found ways to hide their heritage and easily move through mundane society, though they only truly feel at ease amidst their fellow members. 

   The Verboten will celebrate it's centennial on the Summer Solstice and is extremely active in making their members find and enjoy success. Chapter Houses are found throughout the continent and are always distinguished by the group's symbol, an impish gargoyle. While the group has a myriad of goals, it's central tenet is to elevate tieflings above all other races. Each Chapter House's methods are generally informed by it's Chapter Master.

   Several prominent members of the group are rumored to have strong ties with the devil, Braakshi and are believed to be active saboteurs against the forces of the Abyss in the Blood War. They are sometimes tapped by Braakshi to interfere in the actions of adventurers whose quest might somehow tip the balance in the Blood War.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Hackable: The Shredder for TMNT using Silent Legions

THE SHREDDER for Silent Legions Hack of TMNT

AC: 5
HD: 6
Atks: wpn+7 x 2
Skill: +4
Special: --
Move: 30'
Morale: 10
Dmg: 1d8/1d8
Madness: 0
Save: 11+

   Oroku Saki is the younger brother of Oroku Nagi who had been killed by a fellow ninja Hamato Yoshi (the owner of Splinter, the Turtles' mentor) in a feud over a woman named Tang Shen resulting in Yoshi fleeing with Shen to the United States.

   Angry at the death of his older brother, Saki joined the Foot Clan and trained to be a ninja. He quickly became one of their deadliest warriors and rose up the ranks and was chosen to lead the Foot's American branch. Operating in New York under the name of The Shredder, Saki used the opportunity to avenge his brother by killing Yoshi and Shen. Under Saki's leadership, the Foot participated in variety of criminal activities, including drug smuggling, arms running, and assassination.

If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Savage Rifts: Blastoise

Blastoise has water spouts that protrude from its shell. The water spouts are very accurate. They can shoot bullets of water with great accuracy from a distance of over 160 feet.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d10,   Vigor d12+3

Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d4, Shooting d8

Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 (15) M.D.C.

Special Abilities:
Water Spouts Range 12/24/48; Damage 3d6; RoF 2; 
   Notes Mega Damage• Armor 15 M.D.C.
• Size +1
• Weakness Double damage from Electricity

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Hackable: TMNT/After the Bomb with Sine Nomine's House System

I'm looking at using the Sine Nomine house system (Silent Legions, Stars Without Number, Godbound, Spears of the Dawn) for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Here is a test character:

Giovanni Nine
1st Level Tough with the Soldier Background

Ability Scores    Attribute Mod
Strength 18                   (+2)      
Dexterity 19                  (+2)  
Constitution 14            (+1)               
Intelligence 10              (+0)             
Wisdom 18                    (+2)              
Charisma 15                 (+1)                  

Hit Points 9
Expertise 2
Initiative 1d8

Saving Throws
Physical Effect 12
Mental Effect 16
Evasion 14
Magic/Psioncs 15
Luck 13

Athletics 1
Combat/Projectiles 1
Leadership 0
Navigation 3*
Perception 2*
Stealth 0
Tactics 0

Attack Bonus
Combat/Projectiles +4
Combat/Melee +3
Combat/ Ranged +3

Combat Rifle +4, 1d12, Slaughter die 1d8 (Burst Fire)
Knife +3, 1d4, Slaughter die 1d6
Beak +3, 1d4, Slaughter die 1d6

AC 6 (Leather)

On Being A Game Master: Maxing Out

I've been lucky to be a part of three game groups over the last several years and I've been consistently running two games for most of that time. However, late last year the GM had to leave the one group I got to play in and I took over, essentially, by default. 

My plan was to stick with modules for all three groups and make the best of it. The best laid plans...

Three groups is difficult to run for me. Scratch that, it may be impossible for me to do. Part of it is something I'd already noticed about two games, when you get to the end of a session and your pumped up with motivation and ideas, you have a completely different game to prepare for and things get a bit fuzzy. Three games take that problem to the worst possible outcome for me.

I knew I had made a mistake almost immediately, but I didn't want to let anyone down (such a foolish notion). But within about three weeks, I was so burned out I nearly just stepped back from everything.

Thankfully, the one lesson I have truly learned in the last quarter century is to talk to your groups. I was able to hand the Thursday game off to a different GM and am finally starting to get things back on track.

It's good to try to organize things, but don't ever forget to be honest with yourself about your limitations and don't let your hobby turn into work.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

White Star: Martians (Mars Attacks Cards)


Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 3
Total Hit Bonus: +3
Attacks: Laser pistol (1d6+2) or Laser Rifle (2d6)
Saving Throw: 17
Special: --
Movement: 12
HDE/XP: 3/175

   The cruel, hideous Martians, are under the command of a corrupt Martian government who conceal the fact from the Martian populace, that Mars is a doomed planet, and therefore seek to conquer and commit genocide on a new world. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Other Dust: Sludge Golem

SLUDGE GOLEM for Other Dust

No. Encountered: 1d4 (1d6+1)
Movement: 20'
Armor Class: 4                               
Hit Dice: 4                               
Attacks: +4/Smash
Damage: 1d8 
Save: 13
Morale: 9
Loot Type: None (P1)
Skill Bonus: +1     

"In my travels, have run across an unsavory cult who have found, through Black Science, a way to animate toxic sludge into a servitor and guardian.

I first encountered the cult, known as the Culture, in an area now known as Earlsburg, which my research shows me was once the midwestern city of Cincinnati.

The Culture actively manipulated three of these creatures and were able to hold a small town of over two-hundred within their grasp, through fear, intimidation, and murder.

I was lucky enough to have access to several ancient artifacts that helped my expedition break the Culture's hold on the golems, causing them to disperse and letting the population of Earlsburg deal with the members of the Culture.

I've recently learned that the Culture is more widespread than I originally thought and has bastions near Lake Meegan and along the Ole Miss River with more golems under their sway."
 --Aria of Toth

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Stars Without Numbers: Octoshroom

OCTOSHROOM for Stars Without Numbers

Armor Class: 4                               
Hit Dice: 5                              
Attack Bonus: +8/+8/+8/+8
Damage: 1d8/1d8/1d8/1d8
No. Appearing: 1 

Saving Throw: 13+ 
Movement: --
Morale: 12  

   When an Octoshroom dies it releases reproductive spores and any character within a radius of 5 feet must make a Physical Effect save and on a failure they become an incubator for the fungi. Left untreated, the creature will lose 1d6 Hit Points every 5 days that cannot be healed and when the creature reaches 0 Hit Points it dies and a new Octoshroom will grow to maturity within 1d10 days on the corpse.
   Octoshrooms grow to sizes of 4 feet to 16 feet (1d4x4) and appear completely harmless until they ambush their prey.

(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)

Sunday, February 5, 2017

ACKS: Nightcomer

NIGHTCOMER for Adventurer Conqueror King System

% In Lair: 60%
Dungeon Enc: Star (1d4) / Coven (3d4)
Wilderness Enc: Star (1d6) / Coven (3d6)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
   Fly: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 2 (claws)
Damage: 1d4
Save: Chthonic Witch 4 or W4
Morale: +3
Treasure Type: K
XP: 80

   Nightcomers cast spells as a 4th Level Witch (or Wizard if you lack the ACKS Player's Companion).
   The Nightcomers are a witch's coven devoted body and soul to the hellish power, Sathanas. They often rule a region from the shadows through fear and murder. They abduct a sacrifice, usually a child, at least four times a year during the Full Moon and delight in randomly cursing locals. They foster suspicion and paranoia by walking amongst their prey, their vulgar powers poisoning what little courage the locals retain.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.