Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Alien: Xenomorph XX121 for Stars Without Number


“Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.”
-- H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds

HD: 2
AC: 14
Atk: +3 

Dmg: 1d6+1
Move: 15m
Morale: 11
Skill: +1

Save: 13+

When a xenomorph takes damage any non-xenomorph within 1m must make an Evasion Saving throw or take 1d6 damage from its acidic blood.

"Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility."
-- Ash, regarding The Alien (from Alien)

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Legion of the Super-Heroes: Khunds for Stars Without Number

Khund Citizen for Stars Without Number
HD: 2
AC: 12 (combat)
Atk: +3 

Dmg: By weapon + 1
Move: 10m
Morale: 10
Skill: +2

Save: 13+

Khund Soldier
HD: 3
AC: 16 (combat)
Atk: +4 

Dmg: By weapon + 2
Move: 10m
Morale: 11
Skill: +2

Save: 12+

Khund Hunter Killer
HD: 4
AC: 17 (combat)
Atk: +5 

Dmg: By weapon + 3
Move: 15m
Morale: 11
Skill: +2

Save: 10+

The Khunds control a vast galactic empire and in the 30th century, their relationship with the United Planets fluctuates between uneasy détente and open warfare. When the U.P. first discovered the Khundian civilization, the Khunds responded by attempting to conquer Earth.

Khundia itself is perpetually eclipsed by its own moon, making it a dark and dreary world. Choking on its own overly dense population, the world has become totally overrun by a mentality of total militarism and violence. Even a person jostled in the streets will settle the ensuing argument in the so-called court of combat, a form of trial by combat, which is often fatal.

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Monday, June 28, 2021

Marvel Monday: Carnage for Godbound



for Godbound Free Edition

AC: 4 (Requires a magic weapon)
HD: 5
Attack: +7 x3
Morale: 9
Move: 35'
Save: 12+
Damage: 1d10+2, magic weapon
Effort: 5
Words: Alacrity; Madness; Sword

• All Directions As One
• Contempt of Distance
• Faster Than Thought
• Nine Iron Walls
• Thirsting Razor
• Uneering Blade

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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Legion of the Super-Heroes: Durlans Origin for Stars Without Number


They are natural metamorphs that are able to act like the person or animal they have morphed into. They are able to alter their vocal cords to sound like anyone but are limited to their own personal knowledge of their language and speech pasterns. 

A durlan can shape its own physical form as a Main Action, transforming into any humanoid form within 50% of its own mass. Claws and other body armaments can be fashioned equivalent to Light or Medium melee weapons and innate armor equivalent to AC 13. Gills and other environmental-survival alterations, as well as flight, are also viable at the GM’s discretion.

A person can be impersonated down to the DNA level, provided a blood or hair sample is available. 

Durlans have an Effort score of 1 which is used to fuel their shapeshifting. Shapeshifting requires the durlan to commit Effort as an Instant action for as long as they maintain that form.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Star Wars: Togruta Origin for Stars Without Number


They were a species of humanoids whose skin spanned a vast array of colors, including, but not limited to, orange, green, red, white, and yellow. These characteristics were a result of evolution; Togruta coloration was helpful as a method of camouflage from predators. Unlike most humanoids, Togrutas were known to have multiple stomachs, however, their most notable features were the large organic head formations upon their heads; two large cone-like horns called montrals atop their skull, and three lekku, also known as headtails, that sprouted downward. Both a Togruta's lekku and montrals tended to grow longer as they aged, with females having longer lekku than the males. A Togruta's montrals allowed them to sense the movement of objects around them through echolocation, and could sense up to 85 feet.

Gain Notice and Stealth as bonus skills. When rolling Notice skill checks roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Summerlands: Boobok for Silent Legions


Boobok for Silent Legions

AC: 7
HD: 2
Atks: Bite +2 / Talon +1

Dmg: 1d6 / 1d6+1
Move: 30' / 45' Flying
Morale: 8
Skill: +0
Special: Ravenous

Madness: 1d4
Save: 13+

Booboks are humanoid owls that tend to live in bogs and swamps. They grow to a height of 5 to 7 feet tall and can weigh as much as 180 pounds. Sorcerers have been known to take these creatures as familiars since they can often protect the magic-user better than most creatures. If bonded as a familiar the boobok gains primitive sentience and can telepathically communicate with its master.  If a boobok is killed and it is a familiar the sorcerer must make a Magic Saving Throw or take 4d6 damage.

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Thursday, June 24, 2021

Worlds Without Number: Kelek the Cruel



 for Worlds Without Number

HD: 7
AC: 11 
Atk: +1

Dmg: 1d4 + 2 (+1 dagger) / 
1d6 + 4 (Staff of Striking 12 charges)
Shock: 1d4 + 2
Move: 30'
ML: 9
Instinct: 2
Skill: +4

Save: 10+
Effort: 6

Kelek has a Wand of Cold with 5 charges, the target of the wand must make an Evasion Saving throw or take 3d8 damage.

Kelek practices High Magic and can cast up to 4th level Spells, may cast 4 Spells per day, has 8 Spells prepared, and has gained 5 Arts.

• Arts Arcane Lexicon; Counter Magic; Iron Resolution; 
Retain Sorcery

• 1st Level Spells The Coruscating Coffin
• 2nd Level Spells Mantle of Disjecting Dissection
• 3rd Level Spells Adpot the Simulacalor Visage; Phobic Storm; 
The Howl of Light
• 4th Level Spells Calculation of the Phantasmal Eidolon; Disjunctive Temporal Reversion; Evert the Inwardness

"A long time ago, Kelek and Ringlerun were adventuring partners. They discovered the Heartstone, which brought Kelek's hidden flaws to the surface, making Kelek power-hungry and evil. The two became enemies. Kelek sought to become the High Wizard of his magic school; he took on Skylla as his partner, and Zargash as his advisor.”

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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Hyperborea: Machismilodon


Sabre-tooth (Machismilodon) for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea

No. Encountered: 1
Alignment: Neutral
Size: L
Movement: 50
Dexterity: 17
Armour Class: 4
Hit Dice: 11
Attack Rate: 5 / 1 (claw x4 / bite)
Damage: 1d10+2 (x4) / 2d12+4
Saving Throw: 10 (Avoidance 8)
Morale: 10
Experience Points: 1,700
Treasure Class: - 

According to legends, the machismilodon, was gifted to Lunaqqua by Krimmr who sought her affection, and while the blue goddess gladly accepted his gift she had no interest in Krimmr in any way. To further tease the bearded warrior she decided to name her new companion, Fang. For untold decades the sabre-tooth wandered with his mistress and saw many marvels, but Krimmr's rage grew and grew and he hatched a plan to have Rel, the "God of Thieves" steal the beast from the goddess of the moons through seduction. While Lunaqqua did accept Rel's affections she saw through Kimmr's plans and seeking to keep Fang safe she created a moonbow so that he could hunt in safety on Selene, the larger of the two moons. To this day, when both Selene and Phobos are full, many on Hyperborea claim that Fang is free to return to this world and hunt while his mistress protects him from Krimmr's wrath.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Marvel Monday: Juggernaut for Godbound



for Godbound Free Edition

AC: 1 (Requires a magic weapon to hurt)
HD: 11
Attack: +10 x3
Morale: 10
Move: 50'
Save: 7+
Damage: 1d3 straight, magic weapon
Effort: 4
Words: Alacrity; Endurance; Might

• Body of Iron Will
• Defy the Iron
• Descent of the Mountain
• Fear No Steel
• Unbreakable
• Bolt of Invinicbile Skill
• Shoulders Wide As The World
• Swift Progress
• Swifter Than The Sun
• The Inexorable Shaft 
• Thews of the Gods

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Star Wars: Rodian Origin for Stars Without Number


Rodians were a species of reptilian humanoids. They possessed large pupilless eyes that could see in infrared spectrum, slender snouts, pointed ears, twin saucer-like antennae that detected vibrations atop their heads, and a ridge of spines cresting their skulls. Their snouts were said to resemble those of tapirs. Green (sometimes yellow or turquoise) scales covered their bodies, and their skin had a rough, pebbly texture, except on the snout and hands. Their blood was of green color. Females were physically distinguished by their mammary glands, and some of them, like Greeata Jendowanian, were capable of growing long tresses. The Rodian hand featured five long, dexterous fingers with suction cups at the ends. The pads helped them cope with the variety of conditions associated with living in a swamp and could be used to help them climb aquatic vegetation. The shape of the Rodian hand, however, was as such that if an object was designed for their species, it would be uncomfortable for a human to use. Their toes were a lot like their fingers: long and tipped by suction cups. Although they were oxygen breathers, Rodians could breathe an air saturated with Clouzon-36 without the assistance of a respirator.

They gain Infravision out to 25m, and gain Exert and Notice as bonus skills.

Friday, June 18, 2021

The Black Hole Maximillan from the Black Hole for Stars Without Number

HD: 4
AC: 16
Atk: +8 

Dmg: 3d6 spinning blades
Move: 10m
Morale: 11
Skill: +2

Save: 8+

Maximillan takes 1/2 from laser weapons.

"Although he doesn't express what he thinks in words, his sharp stiff body language does the talking. He shows no trust toward strangers especially when they are considered as guests. Even though he is Reinhardt's loyal number one, he's also known to be disobedient and will do as he pleases."

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Masters of the Universe: Beast Man for Godbound


Beast Man 

for Godbound Free Edition

AC: 4
HD: 8
Attack: +9 x2
Morale: 9
Move: 40'
Save: 11+
Damage: 1d12+4 slashing, magic weapon
Effort: 3

• All Directions As One
• Eyes of the Cat 
• Red in Tooth and Claw 
• Lord of the Wild

Real name: Raqquill Rqazz

After being banished from his home in the Vine Jungle, the Beast Man named Raqquill Rqazz joined up with young alchemist named Keldor during a skirmish in the Beserker Islands. Like others of his race, Rqazz has the ability to control beasts and monsters. He currently uses this particular talent as chief henchmen to Skeletor, the Overlord of Evil

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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Worlds Without Number: Warduke



 for Worlds Without Number

HD: 8
AC: 18 (plate mail, shield)
Atk: +10 x2

Dmg: 1d8 + 5 (+1 flame tongue sword, +1d6 when activated)
Shock: 6/-
Move: 30'
ML: 10
Instinct: 2
Skill: +2

Save: 9+

"Warduke wears a suit of half-chain and a black, winged helmet. His shield bears the sign of a demon’s head. He was an old friend of Strongheart, a good paladin, but now the two are enemies. Both were exposed to the Heartstone, and Warduke’s cruel nature was brought out while Strongheart’s just nature became stronger….

[He] especially hates Strongheart, who he feels wastes his time protecting the weak and helpless. “A true fighter,” Warduke feels, “makes himself rich and powerful by the strength of his sword arm. He takes what he can—if you would keep your possessions, kill those who seek to take them.” He calls his sword “Nightwind.”

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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Marvel Monday: Megatron



for Godbound Free Edition

AC: 4
HD: 8
Attack: +9 x3
Morale: 10
Move: 40'
Save: 11+
Damage: 2d6+3 piercing, magic weapon
Effort: 3

• A Familiar Face
• Bolt of Invinicbile Skill 
• Swift Progress
• The Inexorable Shaft 
• Gun Mode On Turn
Commit Effort. You transform into a handgun and an ally now wields you. When they attack with you they gain +2 to hit and you deal 1d4 Straight damage.

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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Masters of the Universe: Jitsu for Godbound


Jitsu - Evil Master of Martial Arts 

for Godbound Free Edition

AC: 3
HD: 9
Attack: +10 x2
Morale: 11
Move: 40'
Save: 9+
Damage: 1d10+5 slashing, magic weapon
Effort: 6

• Furious Counterstrike 
On Turn
Commit Effort for the scene. 
For the rest of the scene, whenever he is hit by a normal attack and suffers damage, he gets an Instant normal attack in return at the culprit which inevitably hits.

• Steel Without End 
All your melee weapon attacks are treated as magic weapons doing a 1d10+5 damage die, including unarmed attacks. 

• The Storm Breaks 
Before the first round of combat, he gets one free bonus round before anyone else acts. Two heroes using this gift roll opposed Dexterity attribute checks, 3+ for Jitsu, to see who takes their action first.

Jitsu - Evil Master of Martial Arts
Real Name: Chopper
An intergalactic bandit, Jitsu was broken out of Prison Starr by Keldor during the Great Unrest. In gratitude, he agreed to serve the Evil Lord of Destruction and stayed with him even after Keldor's transformation into Skeletor. As a master of several forms of martial arts, Jitsu was often on the frontline in battle against Randor and his Masters. During the Battle for Gretori Bridge, he was wounded by his archenemy Fisto and had his hand replaced with a golden robotic implant by Tri-Klops. After Skeletor left Eternia for the stars, Jitsu took over Snake Mountain, ruling it with an iron fist. As deadly as he is silent, Jitsu uses his chopping power to get his evil way!

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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Micronauts: Baron Karza for Cepheus Quantum

Baron Zarza for Cepheus Quantum

"He hails from the Homeworld, a planet in the Microverse. He was the former chief scientist and is a genius in biological engineering. He bribed Homeworld's citizens with the promise of eternal life via his Body Banks. Not everyone was unhappy with Karza's new reign in the beginning, but Karza's de facto rule of Homeworld was enforced by his Dog Soldiers and bioengineered creatures. "

20/35, Move 15m/round (Fly), Armor 11, Fist (range 10/30 2D, crushing), Missles (range 50/200, piercing), Spear x2 (range 10/50 3D, piercing).
Combat-4, Knowledge-4, Physical-3, Space-2, Technical-3. 

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Hyperborea: Zephra


Zephra for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea

No. Encountered: 1
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Size: M
Movement: 30
Dexterity: 15
Armour Class: 8
Hit Dice: 3+3
Attack Rate: 1/1 (weapon)
Damage: (per weapon + 1)
Saving Throw: 13 (Sorcery 11)
Morale: 9
Experience Points: 820
Treasure Class: I, M, R, 

Zephra's father, Zukala, claims to be a great sorcerer as well as older than sunken Atlantis, his magical mask grants his daughter the ability to use an action to change into a tiger (ASSH2E pg. 403) and immortality.

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Monday, June 7, 2021

Marvel Monday: Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man

While Gobound is spectacular as an option for a game like Exalted I believe it could work just as well for a Super Hero game so here is Peter Parker, the first Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, as a 3rd Level Godbound.

Spider-Man Level 3 for Godbound

Abilities       Score   (Modifier)  [Check]
Strength          19        (+4)           [2+]
Dexterity        18         (+3)           [3+]
Constitution   13         (+1)           [8+] 
Wisdom           8         (-1)            [13+]
Intelligence    18         (+3)           [3+]
Charisma        13         (+1)           [8+]

Saving Throws
Hardiness   9
Evasion      10
Spirit          12

Facts (+4)
Face It Tiger You Just Hit the Jackpot
J. Jonah Jameson Will Be the Death of Me
Marvelous Team-Ups
Physics Major at Empire State University
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

    Corona of Fury (Smite Action) [Web Shooters]
    Effort of the Word for Alacrity (Constant)
    Effort of the Word for Might (Constant)
   All Directions As One (Constant)
   Swifter Than The Sun (On Turn)
   Untouchable (Instant)
   Walk Between The Rain (Constant)
    A Word Far Off (Action)
    Surge of Strength (Instant)

Light armor AC 3 [Spider-Sense]
Light weapon +6; 1d6+3, Fray 1d8 [Enhanced Strength]

Hit Points     19

Effort            7

Influence      4

A Friendlier Neighborhood


Hail to the King: Leviathan for Godbound


Jack Kirby's Leviathan from Devil Dinosaur #4

 for Godbound Free Edition

HD: 20
AC: 5
Atk: +10 x5

Dmg: 2d4 Straight
Move: 60' flight
Morale: 10
Save: 7+
Effort: 6

Dragon; Fire; Might 

Leviathan Powers
• Ever-Evolving (Instant). Commit Effort for the scene. The Levithan gains resistance to the last type of damage it has suffered.

Kaiju (Constant). The monster is always able to pick up anything smaller than a large building and punch through, smash, or break loose any non-magical substance as a free part of their movement or other actions. This might is quickly deployed, but not finely controlled enough to help damage rolls or other attacks.

No Avail (On Turn). Commit Effort for the scene. An attack is automatically successful and does maximum damage. 

Vaporize (On Turn). Commit Effort. It breathes a firestorm at its foes as a magical weapon with a 200-foot cone and 1d6 straight damage. Individual victims killed are reduced to mere ash on the wind and cannot be revived in any way.

• Seize (On Turn). Commit Effort for the day. The monster attempts to control a victim requiring them to make a Spirit saving throw and gains control of their actions. A new save is allowed each round.

"Where among the dwellers of the Valley is the creature who hasn't sensed the coming of the dreaded Leviathans? Where is the place of shelter that can hide one from the "time of no scape?!" Cry to no avail! Run to no avail!
For all that we see around us shall slide into a giant's belly and be seen no more!
--Primitive doomsday text, origin unknown

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Friday, June 4, 2021

Worlds Without Number: Gustavus Windsmasher, King of the Storm Giants


Gustavus Windsmasher, King of the Storm Giants

 for Worlds Without Number

HD: 9
AC: 2
Atk: +9 x2

Dmg: 3d6+4
Shock: 7/-
Move: 60' flight
ML: 11
Instinct: 3
Skill: +3

Save: 10+

"Storm giants make their homes among the Iron Peaks, living in clans formed over a millennia ago. Their King, Gustavus, began showing signs of dementia two-hundred years. His son is heartbroken over his father's illness and refuses to ascend to King, spending more and more of the revenue paid in taxes for someone...anyone to find a cure for him. Gustavus is guarded continually by his most loyal warriors from the Sky-Whale clan within Heaven's Gate, the tallest of the Iron Peaks, where he is guarded by the Sky-Whale clan. However, there is a faction of worshippers of Thane, the Titan God, amongst the storm giants, known as the Cleansing Reign. They claim that the world has been overridden by sin and filth, and only their King can end the world's suffering by cleansing it of the Small Folk, Ogres, Dragons and anyone who isn't a giant."
-- The Sagacious Sojourns of Sargoo the Sapient

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Hyperborea: The Helmet of Nabu


"The Helmet of Fate was created by the Lord of Order Nabu along with two other mystical items: the Amulet of Anubis and the Cloak of Destiny."

Helmet of Nabu:
 Only a Lawful character can wear the helm and while wearing it they gain an AC of 5, their Hit Points increase by 20,  they can speak, read, and understand any language, gain a +2 to all saving throws, and may cast the following spells: charm person 1/day, detect magic 3/day, dispel magic 1/day, fly 2/day, light at will, lightning bolt 1/ day, magic missile 3/day, protection from evil 1/day, shield 1/day, and teleport 1/day. If a Neutral character attempts to wear the helm they must make a Sorcery saving throw and take 2d8 damage on a failed save or 1/2 of that on a successful save. If a Chaotic character attempts it they must make a Sorcery saving throw at a -2 penalty and take 4d8 damage on a failed save or 1/2 of that on a successful one. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Silent Legions: Rougarou


Rougarou for Silent Legions

AC: 3
HD: 7
Atks: Bite +6

Dmg: 1d10
Skill: +4
Special: Disguised, Skeletal, Resilient

Move: 50'
Morale: 7
Madness: 1d8
Save: 8+

Ask ten people about the bayou's rougarou and you'll get eleven different answers. They are witches, cursed by witchcraft, skunk apes, werewolves, vampire, werewolves that died and came back as vampires, the damned, and/or lost souls. The most important thing to remember is that if you see one it is already too late.

The first time a rougarou is reduced to 0 hit points in a fight they immediately gain 1d8 hit points and are immune to the Slaughter Die for the rest of the fight.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.