I'm going to make a character for the Warlock! RPG from Fire Ruby Designs.
There are no Ability Scores in Warlock! and that is something I've loved since encountering it in Castle Falkenstein.
There are 32 Skills in Warlock! and I'm going to choose 10 of them at to start at Level 6
Bargain 6
Blunt (weapon) 6
Brawling 6
Crossbow 6
Endurance 6
History 6
Repair 6
Small Blade 6
Survival 6
Thrown 6
Now I choose 10 more at Level 5:
Athletics 5
Dodge 5
Intimidate 5
Language 5
Language 5
Lie 5
Medicine 5
Navigation 5
Spot 5
Stealth 5
All other Skills default to 4.
My Stamina is 2d6+12 for a total of 18.
My Luck is 1d6+7 for a total of 11.
There are four Communities (think race) to choose from which are Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling and there are no mechanical benefits or drawbacks to any of them.
I choose Dwarf.
In Warlock! you choose a Career or randomly roll one and I choose the latter option.
I roll Entertainer.
An Entertainer's Skills and the Max Level they can before I have to switch careers be are Diplomacy 10, History 10, Brawling 12, Disguise 12, Persuasion 12.
I now distribute 10 Skill Levels between them.
Diplomacy 7
Brawling 10
History 6
Disguise 4
Persuasion 7
Repair 6
Additionally, I get an Entertainer Skill equal to the average Level of its Career Skills, in this case, it is 6. If I can persuade the GM that my Entertainer Career would work in a situation I can use it for the Skill test.
I get some Equipment from my Career, including Nice Clothes and a Dagger.
The first random table asks Who Have I Entertained? The Royal Opera House.
The second random table asks What Have I Learned? That Poetry Is Not for Me.
Next, you either come up with three Traits or pick from a list (they do not appear to have a mechanical value). I choose Curious, Picky, and Witty.
And that is it.
Warlock!'s core mechanic is to roll a d20 add your Skill Level and equal or exceed a 20. Armor reduces damage and is generally rated at 1d3, 1d6, or 2d6 but you always take a minimum of 1 point of damage on a hit.
It does have an Equipment list with costs but I didn't see a section on starting Silver. Money is in Pennies, Silver, or Gold.
I think I might work up a spellcaster next, but before that here is
Edder Brownsmith, Dwarf Entertainer
Stamina: 18
Luck: 11
Athletics 5
Bargain 6
Blunt (weapon) 6
Brawling 10
Crossbow 6
Diplomacy 7
Disguise 4
Dodge 5
Endurance 6
History 6
Intimidate 5
Language 5
Language 5
Lie 5
Medicine 5
Navigation 5
Persuasion 7
Repair 6
Small Blade 6
Spot 5
Stealth 5
Survival 6
Thrown 6
Leather (Light Armour) 1d3
Dagger 1d6+1 Slashing