Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cryptogram: Pestilence of the Four Horsemen for the Cypher System


Motive: Bring about the apocalypse
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 24
Damage Inflicted: 8
Armor: 3
Movement: Short or Long (on Netherbeast a Level 5 Minion)
Modifications: Initiative action, 9, Intellect Defense 9
Combat: Pestilence is inevitable.
Body of Bugs: When a creature damages Pestilence within immediate range, it inflicts 2 points of damage that ignores armor. 
Devoured: It pulls a creature into its body of bugs, moving a creature down the damage track by 1.
Insect Swarm: It inflicts 3 damage that ignores armor to all creatures within short range.
Staff of Destruction: It has 3 random cyphers, with each cypher gaining +1 to its level and 3 random artifacts.
Use: Pestilence is coming from the east, it intends to converge with the other Horsemen to bring about armageddon.  The characters become aware of this when a swarm of myriad insects beset the town they are currently in.
Loot: A defeated Pestilenc has 1d6 cyphers and 3 artifacts.

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