Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cyrptogram: Rahu-Men for the Cypher System

RAHU-MEN 6 (18)

Motive: Curiosity
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 2
Movement: Short
Modifications: Initiative action 7, Intellect defense 7, Might defense 7, Numenera 7, Smash 8
Combat: Rahu-men are smart and strong antagonists.

Four Arms: Inflict 4 damage to 2 enemies within short range.
Tech-Savvy: They have 1 random cyphers.
Use: A tribe of rahu-men have moved into the area where the characters are staying.  The rah-men have many questions and the wrong answer could cause a conflict.
Loot: A dead rahu-man has 1 cypher.

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