Friday, August 26, 2016

Hackable: An Alternative Skill System for AD&D 2nd Edition

The other day I had a brainstorm to replace Non-Weapon Proficiencies and Thief Skills in ADnD 2E.

Basically you adapt the THAC0 combat system to skill checks.

Thieves, Rangers, and Bards would have there Skills advance at the same level as Warrior's THAC0.

Having a Non-Weapon Proficiency from your class's group would advance at the same level as Priest's THAC0.

Having a Non-Weapon Proficiency from a group outside of your class would advance at the same level as a Rogue's THAC0 (this also replaces NWP's cost extra).

Having no Non-Weapon Proficiency would advance at the same level as a Wizard's THAC0.

Most Difficulty Classes would be 10, 5, 0, -5, remember that DC goes down the more difficult it is.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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