Adam of the House of Randor is a direct descendant of the legendary King Grayskull, Prince Adam of Eternia was chosen to protect his ancestor's Power Sword from evil. At first, he used a techno vest with a built-in force field to fight evil, but Adam has since learned to combine both halves of the Power Sword, using it to channel the energy of the Elders to become He-Man - The Most Powerful Man in the Universe! He guards the safety of all Eternia alongside the heroic Masters of the Universe.
HE-MANHigh Concepts:
The Most Powerful Man in the Universe!
Trouble: No One Can Know that I am Prince Adam
Other Aspects: The House of Randor;
Other Aspects: The House of Randor;
To me, Battle Cat;
The Power Sword!
Careful: Mediocre (+0)
Clever: Average (+1)
Flashy: Fair (+2)
Forceful: Good (+3)
Quick: Fair (+2)
Sneaky: Average (+1)
By the Power of Greyskull: When I use my Power Sword, I gain a +2 bonus to Forcefully battle a single enemy.
Guardian of the Castle: When I consult the Sorceress, I gain a +2 bonus to Cleverly gain an advantage when presented with a puzzle or mystery.
Loyal Mount: Once per session I can show up anywhere I want, provided Battle Cat can run or leap there.
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Mild (2):
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):
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