Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hackable: Unisystem + Old World of Darkness

This is a pretty basic hack that I've been brainstorming and I'm sure there are some unforeseen variables I'm missing, but here goes:

I'm a big fan of Cinematic Unisystem (and Unisystem, in general), but after years and years of point based systems, I've grown weary of them.  However, I've always loved the character generation system of White Wolf's Old World of Darkness (oWoD, from here on out) games.

So, I've been thinking you would build your character using the oWoD, but the game runs on Cinematic Unisystem: rolling a single D10 vs a chart to determine success; drama points; hit points; flat damage; etc.

Its a pretty light hack, but one I hope to try out soon.

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