Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Duchy of St. Cuthbert: Crowbear for 13th Age

From MissMonster.Com


"Ya know what de say about dem, right?  Its those Hexers!  Ya don't know what a hexer is?  Da school!  Da school!  Yep, da Hexenschule, if ya need me ta be all fancy.  De say dem wizards made dem for a project.  An den de got out...and now de stalk us."

-Cleo Deopalis, a widow and gossip who spends her days at the Hearth and Hound in Newhom.

2nd level wrecker [BEAST] 
Initiative: +6

Pick You Clean +7 vs. PD - 9 damage
     Natural 16+: The crowbear steals something valuable from the

Sneaky Bastard +7 vs. AC - 7 damage.
    Natural Even Roll: The target takes an additional 2d6 damage.

Nastier Specials
Scary Smart: The crowbear adds the escalation die to attack rolls.

A Murder is A Comin': When the escalation die is 4, two more
                                     crowbears join the fray. 

AC 18

PD 12               HP 36

MD 16

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