Monday, October 10, 2016

31 Nights of Halloween: Gorgontongue, Crucifer of Hope for 13th Age

What if I told you the Diabolist seduced the Orc Lord and that their union produced a demoniac spawn that hates beauty and order and craves destruction and chaos? It's name is Gorgontongue and it is coming...

6th level large wrecker [ABERRATION]
Initiative: +4

C: Tongue Lash +11 vs PD (1d3 nearby targets) - 30 damage  
     Natural Even Roll: The target is grabbed.

Gore  +11 vs AC - 42 damage  
     Natural Roll of 16+: The target is stunned.

Crucify Hope  +11 vs MD - 42 damage  

     Natural Even Roll: The target loses a recovery.
    Natural Roll of 16+: The target takes an additional 42 points of damage. If the target dies they cannot be resurrected.

AC 22

PD 20         HP 180

MD 16

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.