American troops were forced to defend the city from the forces of the Immortal Reich and both sides witnessed strange activity in the skies over the area.
"We were fighting house to house, making a retreat. The foo figh...I mean aircraft had been flying over the area day and night. We entered a home and JJ...I mean Private Jones...well...he froze. We all did...and there was the little grey...person...with huge black eyes."
-Testimony of Seargent Raoul Sanchez on an encounter with a "foo fighter" pilot.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d4,
Vigor d4
-Testimony of Seargent Raoul Sanchez on an encounter with a "foo fighter" pilot.
(Wild Card)
(Wild Card)
Vigor d4
Skills: Notice d12, Pilot d8, Science d12, Shooting d8, Stealth d8,
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
Special Abilities
• Probe: 2d8 damage
• Fearless
• Infravision
• Stun: On a successful Probe attack
Special Abilities
• Probe: 2d8 damage
• Fearless
• Infravision
• Stun: On a successful Probe attack
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