Wednesday, September 9, 2015

ParaMilitary: Dero Shock Troop from 13th Age

Okinawa 1946
A surprise assault on our forces was lead by unknown forces, apparently new members of the Axis.


"The enemy came at us most heavily from underground.  I've been informed a man named Shaver is being brought to here to Iwo Jima for his expertise on the enemy.  

The fighting on Okinawa is very heavy.  

I'm...I'm not sure that our attackers are...human."

-Report from Colonel Henry Cobb on the renewed battle for Okinawa.

2nd level scrapper troop [HUMANOID] 
Initiative: +2

R: Ray Gun +7 vs. PD—7 damage 
     Natural Even Hit: Add the escalation die in damage.

Nastier Specials
Torchsword +6 vs. AC - 10 damage.

AC   18
PD   16                             HP 36
MD  12

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