In ancient times, the Arachna were an advanced dominant race until driven underground by the Snake Men. Araneus retains much of the knowledge of his people and while seemingly savage, is an expert mathematician and strategist, as well as an accomplished escape artist. He often arms himself with a grappling hook Fast Pack and uses his climbing power to escape capture!
3rd level wrecker [HUMANOID]
Initiative: +4
ESCAPE ARTIST: Webstor adds the escalation die to his PD.
R: BLASTER +8 vs. AC—10 damage
Natural 16+: The target takes the esalation die in additional
C: SPIDER LEGS +8 vs. PD—7 damage
Natural Even Roll: The target is grabbed.
C: HOOK+8 vs. AC—8 damage
Natural Odd Roll: The target is hampered.
AC 19
PD 17 HP 40
MD 15
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3rd level wrecker [HUMANOID]
Initiative: +4
ESCAPE ARTIST: Webstor adds the escalation die to his PD.
R: BLASTER +8 vs. AC—10 damage
Natural 16+: The target takes the esalation die in additional
C: SPIDER LEGS +8 vs. PD—7 damage
Natural Even Roll: The target is grabbed.
C: HOOK+8 vs. AC—8 damage
Natural Odd Roll: The target is hampered.
AC 19
PD 17 HP 40
MD 15
If your a fan of my blog posts, please consider becoming my patron for just $1 a month.
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