Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Luminos

He Fights by Night with Light!

Between G.I. Joe's Adventure Team and G.I.: A Real American Hero, there was Super Joe.

Hasbro's foray into the 8" toy market faired well for about a year, before a toy line from Kenner, called Star Wars, came along.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the "light" feature of the figures, one particularly indelible memory I have is trying to learn to pronounce the name of Super Joe's ally, Luminos and my Mom helping me get out this absolutely huge Webster's New World Dictionary we'd bought at our local Walden's to teach about it's root, Luminous.

Looking back, I think the 40 year old me, probably has a better appreciation for the figures than the 6 year old me, but that's ok.

Now, if I could just figure out where they went...


Mark Means said...

I used to have a ton of these. I liked Luminos and The Shield, the best. They also had some sort of van thing...or was it a space ship...I don't remember, but I had that too.

Very cool stuff.

DL Hammons said...

I'm a member of the A-Z team just checking in. Glad to see that everything is going smoothly for you during the Challenge! :)

Thundarr the Movie

As a life-long comics fan and a retailer with a quarter century of experience, I was today years old when I discovered that Buzz Dixon and ...