Tuesday, April 16, 2013

N is for Night Stalker

Carl Kolchak.  The Night Stalker.

Growing up, I know around here Channel 19's "Sunday Movie Greats" use to show the two movies The Night Stalker and The Night Strangler, but if memory serves, the series would air on sunday nights after the news.  And I would watch them...and not sleep very well.

One powerful memory I've kept all of these years was the Seattle Underground from the second film.

There is something powerful and charming about a runty reporter running around with a camera and very rarely, a gun to hunt monsters simply to prove they exist.  Carl is a great character and I'm sad I haven't picked up any of the comics published by Moonstone.

Truth be told, I even liked the reboot ABC did a few years ago...although I'm positive if it wasn't for that series I might not have fallen in love with my 2006 Mustang GT...so maybe I shouldn't have watched it.

Obviously, it's influence on X-Files is well-documented and I'd have to assume Erick Kripke pulled some inspiration from it for Superntatural, as well.


Mark Means said...

I used to love this show, as a kid, and the episode with the vampire scared me to death...lol.

I love how they brought Darren McGavin onto 'The X-Files' as a nod to this show.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

I loved this show. Been meaning to rewatch it all on Netflix.

Great choice for N!

Cross Planes said...

Thanks guys.

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