Monday, May 30, 2016

Savage Worlds: Dwarf Race for World of Warcraft


• Backbone of the Alliance: You begin with the Loyal hindrance.

• Curse of the Flesh: You have a -4 to Charisma when dealing with Troggs.

• Frost Resistance: You take 1/2 damage from powers with the Cold/Ice trapping.

• Love of Gold: You begin with the Greedy (Minor) hindrance.

• Might of the Mountain: You gain a +2 to damage when you get a Raise on an attack roll and when using the Healing and Greater Healing powers with the Faith skill.

• Stoneform: You gain a +2 to soak rolls. Additionally, you may spend a Bennie to be cured of poison or disease within 10 minutes of exposure.

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