Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Masters of the Universe: The Power Sword for Savage Worlds

The Power Sword 
This long sword is rumored to actually be empowered by the Goddess, Eternia's most worshiped deity, since the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull is viewed increasingly by Goddess worshipers as being empowered by the Goddess herself, or even an incarnation of the deity.
You may activate the Power Sword with an action for the following magical abilities which last for 1 hour:

• Your Strength becomes D12+3.

• Your Vigor becomes D10.  

• You gain the Brawny Edge.

• You gain the Fleet Footed Edge.

• You gain the Improved Arcane Resistance Edge.

• When you are wielding the Power Sword and are targeted by a spell, if the spellcaster rolls a 1 on their Spellcasting skill die (regardless of the Wild die), they take 3d6 damage.

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