Friday, June 19, 2015

Clerical Work: Specialty Priests of Shar for D&D 5th Edition

I'm importing the idea of Specialty Priests and channeling a bit of DnD 4E by treating them as Feats.

Specialty Priests of Shar

Nightcloak Feat

Prerequisite: Cleric with Death or Trickery Divine Domain

• You may cast the darkvision spell once with this ability.  You regain the ability to cast this spell when you finish a long rest.  Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spells, and you cast it at its lowest possible level. 

• You learn the darkness spell.  You always have it prepared, and it does not count against the number of spells you may can prepare each day.

• You gain a +1 bonus to initiative and damage rolls while in darkness.

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