Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hackable: Flat Damage for the D6 System

One problem I have with many dice pool systems is that you roll to hit, roll for damage, and then the opponent rolls to soak. That's quite a bit of rolling.

While this hack applies to the D6 System (powering Star Wars RPG, Ghostbusters, Project, Breachworld, Might Six, Mini Six) as a whole, I'm focusing on the excellent Mini-Six from Anti-Paladin Games.

Essentially, if you hit your target in combat your damage value is your weapon (either a flat number or Str+number) x 4. Additionally, for each 6 you rolled hitting the target add +2 damage.

So If I rolled a 4, 6, 6, 5 to hit my enemy with a sword, it does Str(3d)+2d+2 or 22 plus 4 for rolling two 6s for a total of 26 damage.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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