Monday, February 18, 2013

WotC Reprints White Box OD&D

It's due this november an is set to reprint the original 3 booklets and Supplements I though IV.  Apparently you also get a wooden box and dice.

I'm pretty psyched.  I wonder if we'll get B/X DnD, BECMI DnD or the Rules Cyclopedia?


Nathan Irving said...

Huh. Pretty cool. Personally, I'd expect the Rules Cyclopedia before any of the other "basic" iterations. Wasn't it essentially a summary of BECMI? (never owned it, so not sure if it had any "I").

Cross Planes said...

I agree with that, as well, and yes it was BECMI in one volume.

State of the Planes February 2025

Art by Andrea Ardinghi I've worked very hard at limiting my Gaming ADD over the past 12 months and I'm finally finding success with ...