Monday, June 6, 2022

Star Wars: Darth Vader for Stars Without Number [Updated]


Darth Vader

for Stars Without Number

HD: 10

AC: 20

Atk: +12 x 2

Dmg: 1d10+4

Shock: 5/AC 20

Move: 10m

ML: 12

Skills: +5

Save: 10+

Force: 6

  • As a Move action Lord Vader targets a sentient creature that can hear him and they must make a Mental save or gain a -2 to attack him for the rest of the scene as he uses the Force to taunt them about their own anger and fear. If they are a Force user they gain a -2 to the save. Once he targets a sentient creature this way he cannot do so again for the rest of the day.
  • When Lord Vader would be hit by a ranged weapon attack roll a Force check and if the number rolled is less than or equal to his Force score the attack is deflected and if the number rolled is a 1 or 2 the attack is reflected back to the attacker.
  • Lord Vader's Physical saving throw is 8 or better.
  • When Lord Vader uses his lightsaber for an Execution Attack, the weapon applies an additional -1 penalty to the Physical save and does double damage even on a successful save.

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