Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Blast from the Past: The Black Hole's Maximillian for Stars Without Number

HD: 7

AC: 18

Atk: +9 

Dmg: 1d10+1

Move: 10m

ML: 12

Skills: +3

Save: 11+

  • He has all of the traits and abilities of a VI robot.
  • He can fly at his Movement speed.
  • He is immune to unarmed  attacks or primitive weaponry as if he wore powered armor.
  • His melee attacks have a Shock of 2/20.
  • He can take a Move action on the same round as he makes a melee Execution Attack, closing rapidly with a target before he attacks. He may split his Move action when making an Execution Attack, taking part of it before he attempts to murder  his target and part of it afterwards. 

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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