Monday, June 25, 2018

OSR: Expansion of the Turn Undead Table = Skill System [UPDATED]

Yesterday, I posted a thought experiment using the DnD/OSR Turn Undead table as a Skill System and I had some feedback that perhaps I could give some examples and which led me to make some changes.

I decided to provide two examples, one based on the Labyrinth Lord's Turn Undead table (2d6 based) and one based on the Adventurer, Conqueror, King Turn Undead table (1d20 based).

First though, in yesterday's post, my assumption was that Thieves, or classes with percentage skills, would get to roll those skills first and if they failed, they could use this system. Due to feedback, I've changed my mind and by default, percentage skills (or any Class with Specific Skills in ACKS) are not used. Instead if Class Skill applies, it increases your Character Level by +2.

Labyrinth Lord
Go to page 9 of LL for the Turn Undead table.

Cleric Level becomes Character's Level.

A Character's Level is their actual Level. They gain a +1 to their Level if they have an applicable Background or Non-Weapon Proficiency. They also gain a +2 if they have a Class Skill that covers the task, such as a Thief's Climb Wall when climbing walls. The DM selects the appropriate Ability for the task and the appropriate modifier is applied (positive or negative). The DM may apply any modifier they deem appropriate, including a +1 to +2 for the Player's description of what they are trying to do.

CL = Actual Level + Background/NWP (+1 if applicable) + Appropriate Class skill (+2 if applicable) + Ability Modifier + DM Modifiers.

The DM also Decides the Difficulty of the task using the Undead HD portion of the table, thus assigning  a 1 to 10 (or Infernal).

For the Example: Solomon is a 4th level Thief, with a Dexterity of 14. He is attempting to climb a wall (a thief skill). 

His Character Level is 7 (Level of 4 +1 for their Dex Mod +2 for Climbing Walls and no bonus from Background or NWP).

The DM has set the Difficulty at 8 or 8HD (it's raining and the wall is very slick) and Solomon needs a 9+ on 2d6 to succeed. 

If you get a Target Number of "-" it means the situation is impossible for you.

Any Target Number of "T" or "D" on the Chart results in an automatic success, with no roll required.

Adventure, Conqueror, King System
(See Below for a d20 table stolen from the Basic Fantasy RPG)
Go to page 22 of ACKS for the Turn Undead table.

Cleric Level becomes Character's Level.

A Character's Level is their actual Level. They gain a +1 to their Level if they have an applicable Proficiency and an additional +1 for each time it is improved. Any class with specific skills gains a +2 to their Level if their task is covered by one of those skills. The DM selects the appropriate Ability for the task and the appropriate modifier is applied (positive or negative). The DM may apply any modifier they deem appropriate, including a +1 to +2 for the Player's description of what they are trying to do.

CL = Actual Level + Proficiency (+1 or more if applicable) + Appropriate Class Skill (+2) + Ability Modifier + DM Modifiers.

The DM also Decides the Difficulty of the task using the Undead Type portion of the table. ACKS uses specific undead instead of HD, but the scale is 1 (Skeleton) to 9 (Infernal) this time.

For this Example: Teela is a 6th level Fighter, with a Strength of 17. She is attempting to pry open a door. 

Her Character Level is 9 (Level of 6 + a Str Mod of +2 and a +1 bonus from the Dungeon Bashing Proficiency).

The DM has set the Difficulty at Mummy or 6 and Teela gets a Target Number of "T" or an automatic success. If the DM has set it at Infernal or 9, she would need a 10 or better on a D20 roll.

If you get a Target Number of "-" it means the situation is impossible for you.

Also, any Target Number of "D" on the Chart results in an automatic success, with no roll required.

Turn Undead Table 
(Uses a d20 and stolen from the Basic Fantasy RPG)

Cleric                            Hit Die of Undead
Level     1     2      3     4     5       6      7      8      9+
1           13   17    19   No  No     No   No   No   No
2           11   15    18   20   No     No   No   No   No
3            9    13    17   19   No     No   No   No   No
4            7    11    15   18    20     No   No   No   No
5            5     9     13   17    19     No   No   No   No 
6            3     7     11   15    18     20    No   No   No 
7            2     5      9    13    17     19    No   No   No 
8            T     3      7    11    15     18    20    No   No 
9            T     2      5     9     13     17    19    No   No   
10          T     T      3     7     11     15    18    20    No 
11          D     T      2     5      9      13    17    19    No
12          D     T     T     3       7      11    15    18    20
13          D     D     T     2      5        9    13    17    19 
14          D     D     T     T      3       7     11    15    18
15               D     D     D     T     2        5      9    13     17     
16          D     D     D     T     T        3      7    11     15  
17               D     D     D     D     T       2       5     9      13 
18               D     D     D     D     T       T       3     7      11 
19               D     D     D     D     D       T      2      5       9
20               D     D     D     D     D       T      T      3       7 

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.