Friday, June 29, 2018

Labyrinth Lord Next: Elves

When I run B/X DnD, I will probably use Labyrinth Lord because of it's organization. I wanted to present all of the relative information about each class for my players in one block. 

Additionally, I'm tweaking each class with some house rules that reach out to other editions of DnD.

Requirements: INT 9
Prime Requisite: STR and INT
Hit Dice: 1d6; +2 HP per level starting at 10th level
Maximum Level: 10

Class Abilities
   • May cast elf spells
   • Infravision out to 60'
   • When actively searching, they detect hidden and 
      secret doors on a 1-2 on a d6 roll d20 roll of 14+
   • They can wield any weapon and wear any armor
   • They may use a type of wand known as a virge 
     (when a virge targets a creature it must make a 
      save vs wands or suffer 1d6 damage. However, 
      it can only be used if the elf has at least one 
      unused spell slot left)
   • The are unaffected by the paralysis from ghouls
   • Stronghold in a natural setting at 9th level, while
     they may hired any race as a specialist, they may
     only hire elven soldiers.

Level   XP         AtB*  BrA    Po/D   Pe/P    W   Sp/D     
1            0          +1     15     12      13     13     15 
2        4,065       +1     15     12      13     13     15 
3        8,125       +2     15     12      13     13     15
4      16,251       +3     13     10      11     11     13
5      32,501       +4     13     10      11     11     13 
6      65,001       +5     13     10      11     11     13 
7    130,001       +6      9        8       9        9     11
8    200,001       +7      9        8       9        9     11 
9    400,001       +8      9        8       9        9     11 
10  600,001       +9      7        6       7        7      9 
*Attack Bonus

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.