Banths are large predators, somewhat analogous to the earthly lion, which hunt in the low hills near the long-dead seas of Mars. They have long, sinuous bodies, completely hairless except for a bristly mane around the neck, and supported by ten legs, and powerful jaws with several rows of needle-like teeth. The eyes of a Banth are protruding and green.
4th level wrecker [BEAST]
Initiative: +8
Claw, Claw, Claw, Claw, Bite +9 vs AC - 14 damage
Natural Even Roll: The target is grabbed
Natural Roll of 16+: An additional 7 damage
Fearsome: Banths use the escalation die.
Several Rows of Needle-Like Teeth +9 vs PD -10 damage
Natural Roll of 16+: The target is hampered
AC 20
PD 18 HP 54
MD 14
Fear Threshold 18
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