Tuesday, June 28, 2016

D-Bees of Savage Rifts: Bayou Ursines

Bear-like D-Bees found mostly in the Southeastern portion of the American Empire, they stand 4 to 6 feet tall and have six eyes. Bayou Ursines generally prefer simple village life of hunting, fishing, drinking, and card games. Many of them are addicted to drinking and gambling and the majority of them are career criminals.

Bayou Ursine

• Bad Reputation: Bayou Ursines are distrusted by most folks, usually because they are known for thievery. They suffer –2 Charisma when dealing with the average person in most towns and cities.

• Distinctive D-Bee: See the Savage Rifts Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide, but Bayou Ursine's cannot hide their their features. -2 
• Darkvision: Bayou Ursines have Infravision.  1
• Six Eyes: Bayou Ursines gain a +2 on Notice checks bases on sight.
• Strong: Bayou Ursines begin with Strength of d6. 
• Strong Swimmer: Bayou Ursines begin with a d4 in the Swimming skill. 1

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