Tuesday, September 6, 2016

FATE: Natalie Elias, a Sharp-Eyed Occult Investigator who Keeps a Magic Ally

I'll be running an Instant Adventure One Shot for The Strange later this week and I'm toying with the idea using FAE as my players have shown an interest in it.


High Concept: 
   Third-Level Occult Investigator for the Obelisk (Paradox)
Trouble: I Can't Help Saying the Wrong Thing
Shared: You Promised Her You Would Bring Her Brother Back 
   From The Dead
Other Aspects: Sharp-Eyed, Keeps a Magic Ally

Careful: Mediocre (+0) 
Clever: Good (+3) 
Flashy: Fair (+2) 
Forceful: Average (+1) 
Quick: Average (+1) 
Sneaky: Fair (+2)


Find The Flaw (Clever): Because of you're Perception you gain a +2 to Cleverly determine another person's Trouble.

Ally (Flashy): Because of your Magical Thunderbolt Companion you gain a +2 to Flashily do something up to 2 Zones away.

[  ]  [  ]  [  ]


Mild (2): 
Moderate (4): 
Severe (6):


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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.