Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Monte Cook's new game: Numenera

Over on Monte's new website, he's announced the his new Science Fantasy game, Numenera, set in the 9th World (personally I think that might prove to be a better title).

Here's the website for the game.

The game uses a d20, but I some of his blogposts, I get the impression that it focuses on Ability Ratings like old school Saving Throws.  E.G.  My rating is Swords is 13, so I need a 13 or better to succeed.
Personally, I'm fond of this type of system, but this is still essentially pure speculation.

Mr. Cook has promised a Kickstarter within a week or so, and the final game is due next summer.

1 comment:

LuftWaffle said...

It looks pretty spiffy, but I have to admit that Numenera makes it sound like it's some kind of special math textbook. The Ninth World sounds way more awesome.

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