Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Willow: Death Dog for Worlds Without Number


Death Dog

for Worlds Without Number 

HD: 3

AC: 13 

Atk: +5

Dmg: 1d8

Shock: 1 / AC 13

Move: 40'

ML: 10

Instinct: 3

Skill: +2

Save: 14+

  • It has a +2 bonus to saving throws against magic.
  • When it successfully attacks a creature and the d20 roll is naturally Even, it inflicts an additional 2 damage due to its caustic saliva. 
  • The difficulty of stabilizing someone Mortally Wounded by the death dog is 10 plus the number of full rounds since it was downed. Additionally, the physician's difficulty to remove the Frail condition on one of its victims is 12.

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