Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rappan Athuk on Kickstarter

I'm a big fan of Frog God Games (and Necromancer Games, who they now own).  

The Tome of Monsters book they produced last year, is both awesome as a gaming supplement and a weapon.  And the Complete Swords and Wizardry Hardcover is elegant and streamlined, just like the ruleset.  In short, all of their products are jam packed to the brim with awesome.

If you get a chance, take a look at the Kickstarter and contemplate kicking something in.  I can't vouch for the quality of their products enough and you have the choice of Swords and Wizardry or Pathfinder (or both).  

They're on the cusp of breaking the RPG record, but apparently Traveller is yapping at their heals.  I can promise that if you decide to help out Bill Webb, Matt Finch, Clark Peterson, WDB Kenower, Greg Raglund, Greg Vaughan, and Skeeter Green, you won't be sorry.

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A RuneQuest Playtest

Last week, Chaosium revealed they were working on a new RuneQuest Project. The way Mike Mearls explained it is that it was like Pulp Cthulhu...