For untold ages, Zel'Zophres supplied the Empire with it's most learned and capable wizards. The Academy was renowned for it's specialization and near perfection of the school of Divination. The accuracy of the Diviners allowed the Empire to flourish and no wizard was greater at the art than Pherosian the Watcher. Pherosian's greatest tool was his Eyedol, which focused and enhanced his scryings. The wizard and the Academy were paid handsomely for his creation by several patrons and before the Master Diviner's death, he had created a total of 13 of his Eyedols.

The new Empress, Neskala the III, Jeskus's eldest daughter, responded with harsh retribution.
She ordered her High Priest, Mineld, to activate an agent he had planted several years ago, to destroy Kelek and end the threat of the Enclave. The agent, a young woman posing as a servant named Selesia Monar, attempted to murder the Archmage while he was using an Eyedol to commune with a bound demon. Her attack weakened his concentration and the demon slaughtered the Archmage and easily broke the wards protecting Selesia from him. The demon was a balor named Tarnhem and Selesia's encounter left her pregnant with the cambion, Acererak.
Worried by the lack of information coming out of the Enclave about the mission, the Empress decided to unleash a final solution the the threat of Perrin. Neskala the III, in desperation, offered to convert her Empire's Faith to the worship of Wee Jas in exchange for the destruction of Perrin and the Enclave. The Lady of Book and Bone accepted the Empress's offer and unleashed the Tarrasque on the city, which fell quickly and easily.
To this day, the Boneyards of Perrin are a desolate place, haunted and shunned. No settlement has replaced it and few are brave or foolish enough to enter it. But at least four of Pherosian's Eyedols have been recovered.
Now they are known merely as the Idols of Perrin.
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