Friday, November 29, 2013

Closing out November

Wow, another year is winding down.

November has been good, a little too cold, but good.

My two youngest are learning violin and piano and loving it.

Thanksgiving was a massive feast and a wonderful time.  And my Ravens beat the Steelers.

My production has been spread over several areas, and I'm pleased with that.

I've been kicking around the idea of a PDF product.  A small bestiary for 13th Age for less than a dollar.  But I don't know about ordering art that will be done in a timely fashion and don't think I'm up to the task of doing the art myself.  Plus, I don't know if I could beat the 13th Age Bestiary to market, so I'm sitting in idle.

I've enjoyed working on my Numenera/13th Age crossover: 9th World.  I've worked up a second draft that hews a bit closer to the Cipher system, but I'm contemplating if it's the direction I want the project to take.

Post wise, sticking to a goal of 15 posts a month continues to work out.  I kept exceeding it as a goal, instead of failing and falling farther behind.  Success feels great!

I guess it's time to start getting ready for Santa.

Be seeing you!

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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