Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 3+3
Total Hit Bonus: +4
Hit Dice: 3+3
Total Hit Bonus: +4
Attacks: Bite (1d4) or by weapon
Saving Throw: 14
Special: +1 to AC due to scaly skin (already figured in)
Movement: 9
Special: +1 to AC due to scaly skin (already figured in)
Movement: 9
HDE/XP: 3/75
Trandoshans are sentient humanoids with smooth, scaly skin. Trandoshans ranged from being tall and fairly gaunt, to being short and more rotund. Trandoshans are powerful beings, and have long thin arms that end in either three thick digits, or four thin digits, including a thumb. Trandoshans have a pair of eyes set back on a pointed skull, and a maw filled with pointed teeth. Trandoshans often walk barefooted, and have feet with three digits each. A Trandoshan's skin color can vary wildly, and Trandoshans can be found with green, red, orange, brown, or yellow skin.
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