Sunday, March 5, 2017

Shadow of the Demon: Rat Ogre

 Rat Ogres are massive hulking monstrosities that represents the very pinnacle of Clan Moulder ingenuity, a lethal killing-machine beast that combines the inhumane reflexes of a Skaven with the brawn and size of an Ogre. Though many would be mistaken otherwise, Rat Ogres are not a separate breed of the Skaven race, rather Rat Ogres are creatures born from the fusion of crossbreeding different types of horrific creatures with Skaven blood, and surgically augmenting what is left.

Size 3 skaven
Perception 10 (+0); darksight
Defense 13; Health 45
Strength 16 (+6)   Agility 13 (+3)   Intellect 8 (-2)   Will 8 (-2)
Speed 12; climber, swimmer
Immune diseased, poisoned

Arm Blades (melee) +6 (2d6, or 2d6+12 on attack roll 20+)

Frenzied Attack The monster attacks two different targets with its natural weapon, making each attack roll with 1 bane.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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