Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: A Year In Review

What a year!  I have a lot to be thankful for in 2015.  Yes, we had a our share of hills to climb and some health scares with family members, but I'm blessed to have a good life, a wonderful family and food and shelter.

This is my 569th post this year (maybe I'll have to hit 570 before midnight).  Thats more posted than I've ever created in a single year and I'm hopeful I can top it in 2016!

I was also lucky to achieve some major goals this year: 

One month breaking 30,000 views.

Having an article published in's EN5IDER.

Pushing myself to generate content on a daily basis.

I even started a Patreon and have some awesome backers.

I hope to push myself further next year.  We'll see.

I'd like to add some fiction to the site and continue to improve the look of things (I think I finally found a layout that I am happy with).  And I'd like to work on a logo and collect some of my articles into PDF form.

I also want to thank each of you for walking on this journey with me and I hope to keep it interesting as the future unfolds.

Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.