Friday, January 10, 2014

1st Age: Working on Magic the User

I'm beginning to work on the Magic User today.  My current plan is to use the spells as they appear in Labyrinth Lord, but I'm still trying to decide to present them in the vancian form they appear in there or something closer to 13th Age (for instance instead of slots from all 9 levels of spells, perhaps at 5th level a magic user has access to 5 spells up to 3rd level and 4 spells up to 5th level).

Which brings me to remind everyone that a 5th level caster in 1st age is equal to a 10th level caster in LL, since the max level is 10 in 1st Age.

Right now I'm leaning once again toward LL, but any thoughts would be appreciated.

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A RuneQuest Playtest

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