Wednesday, January 11, 2017

ACKS: Mind Flayer

MIND FLAYER for Adventurer Conqueror King System

% In Lair: 80%
Dungeon Enc: Solitary (1)
Wilderness Enc: Solitary (1)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Movement: 30'
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: 1 (tentacle or mind blast)
Damage: 1d8 or 2d6
Save: W5
Morale: +1
Treasure Type: J
XP: 500

One of a Mind Flayer's most feared powers is the dreaded Mind Blast, where the illithid emits a cone-shaped psionic shock wave out to 60 feet with its mind and the targets must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or take 2d6 damage. Illithids also have other psionic powers, including telepathy (at will) that ignores language, a defensive psionic shield that grants a +2 Saving Throws against  mind-affecting spells, enchantment spells, or magic devices. As well as powers of psionic domination that allow them to cast Feeble Mind 1/day, Charm Person 3/day, Charm Monster 3/day, and Telekinesis 2/day as a Fifth Level wizard.

Illithids or Mind Flayers have a humanoid body with an octopus-like head. They have four tentacles around a lamprey-like mouth, and require the brains of sentient creatures as part of their diet. An illithid who snares a living creature in all four of its tentacles can extract and devour its living brain. Their eyes are pale white, and they can see perfectly well in both darkness and light. Their sense of hearing is slightly poorer than a human's; they have difficulty distinguishing between several sounds mixed together, yet they are good at discerning from what direction sounds came from. Their skin is purplish blue to gray-green and covered in mucus, and is very sensitive to sunlight. They loathe sunlight, though it does not actually harm them.

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