Monday, February 18, 2013

Psychic Brainstorming

I've gotten some feedback about the Psychic Warrior and have worked up a revision that focuses on melee combat.  Let me know if this better, worse or bleh?

Psychic Warrior
Your fighting style relies on your natural psychokinetic gifts.

     Suggested Equipment: Displacer beast hide, spear, throwing axe, adventurer's kit and 24 gp.

Level     Combat Maneuver
       1     Telekinesis
       3     Pyrokinesis
       5     Cryokinesis

Your psychic gift allows you to telekinetically extend your weapon's reach when fighting in melee.
       Benefit:  When you make a melee attack against a creature, spend an expertise die to increase the reach of your melee attacks by 10 feet, until the end of your turn.

You have mastered using your psychic gift to burn down your enemies.
       Benefit:  Once per turn, after making a successful melee attack against a creature, you may spend expertise dice to deal ongoing fire damage.  The ongoing fire damage is equal to the number of expertise spent this way.  The creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity save to end the ongoing damage.

TK Shield
Your psychic training allows to create a barrier from the air around you.
       Benefit:  Once per turn, you may spend a single expertise die to create half cover in front of yourself.  The half cover lasts until the beginning of your next turn or you drop to 0 hit points.

Your psychic training allows to freeze your enemies where they stand.
       Benefit:  Once per turn, after making a successful melee attack against a creature, you may spend a single expertise die to constrain your target.  The creature must succeed on a DC 10 Strength save to break free of being constrained.

Your psychic training allows to frighten your enemies.
       Benefit:  Once per turn, after making a successful melee attack against a creature, you may spend a single expertise die to frighten your target.  The creature must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom save to break free of being frightened.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.