Saturday, August 28, 2021

Warhammer 40,000: Slugga Boyz for Stars Without Number


Ork Slugga Boyz for Stars Without Number

HD: 4
AC: 13
Atk: +4 
Dmg: 1d8 + 3 Shock 3/AC 15
Move: 10m
ML: 10
Skills: +0
Save: 12+

• When a Slugga attacks with a melee attack roll the damage die twice and take the best result.

Slugga Boyz are the most common and typical Ork warriors and represent what the average Imperial human thinks of when they imagine an Ork. Slugga Boyz are anarchic brutes who love nothing more than a good fight, often leaving a horrific mess of whatever they attack on the battlefield. 

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