Sunday, July 25, 2021

World of Warcraft: Tauren Origin for Worlds Without Number


Art by Rogier van de Beek

Level 1
They gain a +1 to their Constitution or Strength Modifier up to a maximum of +3, their maximum System Strain is their Constition +2, and their horns are a melee weapon that deals 1d6 damage and Shock of 2/AC 13.

Level 2
They gain Survival as a bonus skill, a +1 to either their Mental or Physical Save, and an Effort of 1. They may Commit Effort for the Day and spend their Main Action to stomp their hoof on the ground requiring each creature within 5 feet to make a Physical Saving throw and on a failure take 1d8 damage and lose their next Move Action.

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.