Friday, November 22, 2019

Labyrinth Lord: Aqrabuamelu

Aqrabuamelu for Labyrinth Lord

No. Enc.: 1d6 (2d6)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 150' (50')
Armor Class: 5 (14)
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 1 (stinger)
Damage: 1d6+2
Save: C2
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: VII
XP: 135

The Aqrabuamelu are also known as the Scorpion Men were said to be guardians of the sun god Shamash and are found around his abode at the Mashu mountains. Victims of their stinger must save verses poison or lose 1d4 STR for 2d6 rounds. 

Keto Battaglia, author of the Meanderings of Monsters and the highly controversial I Married a Werebadger writes that the Scorpion Men have a highly advanced written language and a fondness for white wine.

1 comment:

Chris said...

A picture is worth a 1000 words, eh. Cool monster.

Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

  You can download a PDF here.