Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Vigilante City: MODOK

MODOK for Vigilatne City
STR: 20 
INT: 24 
WIS: 11
DEX: 9
CON: 16 
CHR: 14
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 8 (48 HP) 
Move: 12 
Actions: 3
Attack Damage: Energy Beam (3d6), Slam Attack (d8 to two targets)
Special: Outsmart x6 a day
Bonuses: +5 to attacks, +2 to Melee Damage, +1 to Initiative, 
+8 to all non- Physical skills, +10 to Spot, +10 to Listen
Morale: 14 
Terror: 14 
HDE: 8

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Monster Monday: Obstrevoi for Shadowdark

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